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Saturday, July 09, 2005


When I started on KGS, I floundered around but got on my feet due to a few nice players. Sure there were some mean ones, but overall most whom I played were willing to give reviews and were polite. As simple courtesy, I gave them their due respect and politeness. It's even tradition in go to be polite to your opponent.....
So when I got stronger, I thought it'll be nice to help out some new beginners, and I like going around seeing some 30kyu games and giving a few reviews and encouragement along the way. Generally I'm nice, unless you start pissing me off, which is rare......

Until now.................
For the past three days on kgs, the beginners I talk to are rude and arrogant. When they ask a question and an answer is volunteered, they don't say thanks, they mock the person who has volunteered the information.
Such as a simple correction on the ranking types - kyu, not kyo, was met with 'Shut up'. An explanation about handi games affecting rank was met with a 'That wasn't what I asked' even though that was exactly what the person has asked but wasn't an answer he wanted. Come on, a handi game of a 30k against a 9d? How the heck is that suppose to give you a rank, but of course the beginner just wanted to 'know' that he 'can' get a rank by playing against a 9d.......................

I'm finished with my rant...................humbug

Mused by Sukunami Taka around 12:11 AM


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