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Saturday, December 04, 2004

Rashy dragged us to watch a video clip of a korean song she had downloaded in her computer, this was on Friday of course…….and it was a very nice slow, soft romantic song which ended tragically……………notwithstanding that we didn’t know korean and she could be signing about worms for all we knew but the video accompanying the song was so…………………..sad……….romantic………….*cries*……..tear jerker………..
So these two people met and fell in love………*sigh*….she a passive little woman who gets tossed around quite easily and he a I suppose the much sought after man but anyway……….so they fell in love………….and they are happy…..and in love……………………………………..then we thought oh my god, someone is going to die and end this badly…..and Rashy shut us up and said no, stop being paranoid…….so we continue watching………….then there was a scene where he goes and race on a bike, and we think…..oh my god, he is going to get into an accident and die………..Rashy poked us and said stop being so paranoid……………..then the girl was reaching up for something and acid spilled on her and we think oh my god, she is going to die or end up horribly disfigured…….Rashy muttered in frustration and poked us again and there was this scene where she is wheeled into the hospital…………..then we see the guy, and he is so sad, and he takes the photo of them together and tore out the girl part and sticks it on the wall and packed up and we thought……oh my god, the jerk he is leaving her just because……………………..we are livid now and Rashy is annoyed………..then we see the girl and the doctor is taking off bandages from her eyes and her friends are there…..then come scenes where she looks sad, and she saw the torn photo, and then she looks in the mirror, and we all thought………there’s nothing wrong with her, why did he leave………….then someone showed her a magazine with her photo (cos he was a photographer and he took photos for magazines) then she goes somewhere and we see the guy and he is playing with a dog, and we though, oh she has found him……and then a photo fell to the ground, and it was on her………..and the guy groped around the seat, and we thought………………………………….

Oh my god, he gave his eyes to her so she can see…………………

And we see the hospital again with both of them in the operating room……and he takes one last look and a tear came from his eyes………………………

And we thought……………..he gave her his sight……………………the stupid romantic in love guy gave her his sight so she can see………………………………

Then we started crying…………….

I think it’s a sign………………………I don’t think you know who……..him………*points*………….would ever do something like that……..actually I told him and he actually said ‘I would never do that’…………….so…………

Then on the way back from school, listening to the radio and this song came on……….weird song, but it was done in such a way (love song again) that there was people speaking at the background giving a story line…………….and this girl was saying how much she loved her boyfriend…….and we hear her boyfriend with his friends joking here and there…………then we hear he proposed and she said yes and they were so happy and got married……….then she said ‘it’s all a hypothesis, all in my head’…………….she had broken up with him………..and we hear him pleading, how in love he was………….but the truth was she realized he wasn’t as in love as she was, so she broke up with him…………..and only then did he realize that he actually did love her but miss out the chance to actually love her……………………..

All love songs…………all broken up songs……….

Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:28 PM


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