Tuesday, April 10, 2007
It shakes me up how much laughter, how much fun and how much uncontrollable helpless emotions can go through one person. For four days, I've had tears streaming down my face, from being broken hearted to laughing too much till my stomach hurts.
That special someone who I said I'll write more about? Well....he's going to Japan for his masters in Architecture. So that's it.
I wish him the best, I wish that everything will be alright and that he'll be happy.
I also wished he didn't lay the news on me infront of the state library cos everytime I pass it, I start wailing.
For four days after that I filled my days and nights with friends. Anything and everything, as long as I didn't have to think, didn't have to think what if and what had I done wrong. Didn't have to think about how lonely I felt, how I miss him and all those useless little questions which bring tears as I laid awake at night. I miss the way he smiles, the way he stares into the distance, the way he shakes his head as I say something incomprehensible. The way he held me, the way he kisses. I miss running my hand through his hair, squeezing his shoulders, giggling at things he say.
Running home crying ain't fun. Got Julien to go for a walk, got sushi and just sat in the park. How ironic I finally got my picnic, with bright sun, cool wind, calm company. It felt good to just chatter with someone, especially someone who hasn't gone through all my sobbing the year past and hasn't seen what a wreck I could be.
I don't regret anything, and I can be happy that I met someone who made me feel really special, even for just a brief moment. I think I've grown up.
Lunch with Eepin on Friday. Big bowl of katsu-don, miso soup and iced chocolate. In Eepin's immortal words, if someone was to break up with me, don't make it easy. If they say 'I can't do this anymore', I'll say, 'Do what? Do what? Saaaaay it! Saaaaay the whole thing!'
Bothered Rayner the whole day, discovered Katamari Damancy. Roll, roll, roll, roll up all the dogs and cats and sheep and people and cars and roll up the world. Group of friends, pizza and PS2!
Soul Calibre, Street-fighter, Naruto~
Watched 300 on Saturday, with Connie, Louis, Rayner and Rayner's new pretty friend Violet. So adorable......
For such a blood thirsty movie, it was hilariously funny. Us ultimate twins sat and laughed, and pointed and did alot of waving hand movements. What else could we say when the king stands like a girl, twitched as if he was orgasming, where the soldiers form weird porcupine formations, where guys flirted as they fought, where everyone roars and had photoshopped abs and we had our sides in stitches in the end.
Karaoke on Sunday. Living on a Prayer~ for so many friends who shouted themselves hoarse, sang love songs to one another and pushed each other off the seats. Staring at printed out romanji song lyrics, being horrified at four boys as they went 'Go Weeeeest'. Con and I stayed over at Rayner's with Eepeep, and we were sprawled over each other as we fought virtually with kick ass kung fu chicks. Our initial plan to capture the bedroom failed dramatically as Rayner ran in first and jumped into bed. We scissors paper stone, and Connie lost, hence she had to spend the night with Rayner. Negotiated the couch from Eepin and fell asleep quickly only to wake up at 6 because it was too cold. Exchanged the pillow for the blankets with Eepeep and went to sleep again. Woke up at 9 after shedding the blanket and the clothes because it was so FREAKING HOT IN THAT PLACE! Sunlight streaming in and cooking us like chicken. Finally piled exhausted into the mattress in the study room. Connie was blissfully sleeping sprawled with the doona over her and a pillow under her head. Sigh. While Rayner was curled up on top with a towel over his leg for warmth. Sigh. Got woken up at 10 past 12 when Connie came popping in saying '10 past 12, 10 past 12'.
Nyah so tired! I had a song in my head all night! Couldn't sleep properly! Nyah!
Next time we'll bring pyjamas, pillows and plushies.
Oh and toothbrush.
Half an hour ago, Connie slept in my bed and patted her stomach and said, "mm good, like this, flat stomach, pat pat'.
Had pancake lunch with Derek and Steph and now we all feel fat. Derek said to watch out for Connie morning vomitting because it'll show little Rayner babies are on the way. Rayner jr, and Connie jr, sounds quite good.
But.....I don't my kids marrying a little Rayner.
Oh yeah, that was when we were all talking about our future on Monday night over chocolate fondue. Vanessa has to have her twins first for them to be flower girls at Connie's wedding, and then I have to have my boy so he can fall in love with one of Connie's girls. And Ann's kids will be all germ phobic and bananas and refuse to play with our kids and Natalie is happily working on the farm.
So. Flat stomachs and little Rayner babies.
I am thankful for being able to love. I am thankful for all my friends.
I am thankful you're here to make me smile and laugh and have a cute tummy from eating too much. Here's to darling Connie, weird Ann, cuddly Nessa, bright Natalie, boliao Derek, smiling Steph, cute Rayner, cheery Kenneth, calm Suan Ee, huggable Alex, sweet Louis, always-make-me-feel-better Eepeep.
Here's to John who I miss and I love, and if things were any different, I wouldn't change a thing because I'm thankful for the person that you are.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 5:08 PM
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