Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Being accosted on or near a flight isn't something one normally encourages. No matter how many romance novels speak of love on the air and the oh so intangible feeling of suddenly talking to someone whom you've never met before and probably never will and falling in love 10,000 metres in the air.
The likely intangible feeling you're having is the one of your dinner moving up your throat.
Perhaps it wouldn't have mattered if he was hot, or partially good looking, but there aren't many good looking decent guys left in the world. Still......while you're nursing that sore spot that gurgles in your tummy before a prospective flight and the stench of disinfectant that they feel the absolute need to spray the cabin with, that last thing you'll welcome is someone sitting next to you and asking for your number.
Here's the conversation:-
I passing a guy pushing a trolley (myself carrying 3 heavy bags)
He: hey sexy
Me: *turns around, not quite hearing what he said and narrowing my eyes wondering if I knew the person, then decided I didn't and went on to find where the gate was*
Moments later, he sat down next to me while waiting for gate to open.
He: first time to melbourne?
Me: uh no, a few times....
He: going for study?
Me: Law + arts... *not quite getting what he said*
He: going for study?
Me: oh...yeah...
He: how old are you?
Me: uh...I don't usually talk to people I don't know...*turns and continue reading book*
He: what's your name?
Me: *ignore and continue reading book, feeling very aggravated*
He: what's your name?
Me: uh.....I don't speak to strangers
He: ok
Me: *continue reading book*
He: do you have a phone number?
Me: *continues reading*
He: I'll give you my number, do you have a piece of paper? *moves towards me*
He: ok....
This tiny oh so insignificant conversation successfully kept me awake, annoyed, and subsequently had to ask for an airsickness bag which thankfully did not get filled but nonetheless had me thinking I was going to die right there and then. If he had gotten a seat on the plane next to me, I'd have called for harassment.
Terrible turburlences did not help.
Atleast.......I know I'm hot.
A remember to self to remember to take old passport along because evidently electronic visa is untraceable online.
They nearly did not allow me to check in.......and sparked worries that the Australian Immigration would send me right back on the next plane.
Ah well......the Australian Immigration was no such cruelty, they smiled at me after massive...massive check out lines.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:27 PM
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