Friday, September 30, 2005
I wanna sentence my boss for life in imprisonment -.-....
After a brief stop at the high court which to get to, I had to wake up like two hours earlier and then arrived early...EARLY......thus spent an hour sleeping in the car...-.-.............
Just for a 10 mins hearing on a decision, and that was it.
Ugh, boss gave me his list of contacts for wedding, and was sitting in the car going through it and checking off where to get address, and started to feel way nauseous. Come on, we are in the it is moving. Number one no no is reading in the car while it is moving...................headache, nausea, spent like an hour trying not to throw up....-.-
Rest of the day was doing invites, finding addresses, filling out envelopes...finally got a look at boss's fiancee....not bad...not bad at all.......boss though looked slightly evilish in his wedding pics. Not to mention it seems as if they doctored up the pics a little cos he seems to have more hair, and by the way, I think boss has a comb over not unlike ala Donald Trump style.........
EEEEEE...............this is so considered overtime! Received a bunch of confirmations and addresses from boss's invitees.....><....can I charge him for this? Or atleast ask for a bonus.............
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:26 PM
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Official member of the working world....atleast temporarily =)
Received my first ever pay cheque. A grand total of $375 for two week's work. Not bad. I'm now on a work for money basis. Yay Taylor's theory...muahahaha....
Currently uploading songs onto my Ipod....a little messy process cos it's uploading by itself every song on the comp, even the ones I don't like.........=(....and the folders need major updating on names....this is going to take awhile...sleepy........
Helping boss do this and that...he got a funny advisory case today. Major corruption of government's money and extortion and gangsters. Basically this company had an event and hired outside contrator to coordinate the event. They plan to substantially, or actually have already done so, increase the quotations, pay off the contractor a certain sum, and keep the rest for themselves. Then some stuff went wrong, and misunderstandings, and they say the contrator hasn't done his work and have to refund and the contractor really didn't finish his work, but anyway, he got contacted by the other party and they took his car and demanded money and he launched a report and now boss is trying to handle some delicate public relations.
Lunch was a big affair, celebrating boss's partner's birthday. Food wasn't all too good, but I'm fed so I won't complain.
Coming back home was stuck in traffic. Got a burst of happy jibes, so was making jokes all the way home about the cars and other weird stuff.
Schorrii is off climbing for two days. It's all grey and rainy there though, poor thing =)....
Pri pri in Rochester having exams already and she is hard at work.....also harbouring major eye candy.....*chuckle*
Derek nichan working (working, working, working, whining, working) completing more projects and being bo liao in the middle.
Ahhhh, those two, Derek and Steph completely excluded shopping for me from Manifest =(....I'm disappointed........*cries*
HAHAHAHHAHA............omg, just received an email invite to boss's wedding. He made into a SUMMONS!!!! He hereby plead guilty and willingly serve a life sentence in the hearing held on 12th Nov 2005, and is to be stripped of his bachelor title.'s so overly dramatic ^^
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:30 PM
OOOOO, sugoi ne, woke up slightly later at 9!!...yay............*waves flag*
So sleepy.........*drools in car*
Arrived at the Civil Courts and went in, couldn't see the phone, then I saw the phone and the woman, and dialed and waited, and walked around. Tried submitting one of the documents and the woman replied in malay ><.......and refused to cooperate as she walked around talking here and there while I was trying to find out how to seal the documents and to submit them.
On the phone with Civil Court S5, the person wasn't in. With S6, they responded in malay and I tried to wing through with smatterings of english and malay and they said the file wasn't with them so I couldn't book it. S5 again, and the very nice sounding lady said the Magistrate was away for a week, so they'll call when the date is given for the prohibition of an injunction.
Trooped back to office ^^ right before lunch. Boss didn't realise I came back...hehe.....set me some binding document work to do, and transferring files to a new folder which required me battling with a stapler to wrench out the cards stuck to the old folder. Whew, binding is also weird work. Have to line the papers, and SLIHCH, cut the little holes in the site, then put them piece by piece into the binder roll. Took a massive time........
Boss couldn't find one of the invoices. I swear I did it.....the secretary couldn't find it too...........I couldn't find it.........-.-........
Lunch, singaporean fried mee hoon. Yummy.......The restaurant was playing weird oldies love songs. The junior partner of the firm joked it was embarassing he knew all the words while I'm oblivious from never having heard them. Also we were freaked by the appearance of baby cockroaches. One was on my chair, then it jumped to his, and then two appeared and burrowed in the arm seat. Yes, he felt the need to tell me that information.
The junior partner is cool. He atleast doesn't treat me like a total idiot. Like he would explain what to do because I'm not legal trained yet, but he doesn't explain it in a way that seems to suggest I'm completely clueless, like Boss would do. He also makes me laugh ^^ like about my O level results and grade for my language subjects ^^.
EEEE............boss tells me my private number is sent out because I'm handling invites and RSVPs for his wedding, so now I'll have strangers calling me at whatever time confirming their attendance ..... ><
Mother got me an Ipod. Hmm...........weird teenager that I am, when I heard about it during work (she called) my first response was 'but I wanted a goban'. It looks nice...abit messy, handling it leaves fingerprints everywhere..........charging it right now.................*miao*
Raining right now............
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 12:16 AM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Slept late the previous night. Ka kun was sick.....*sadmiao*......woke up all groggy...........puuu.........
Boss set bunch of stuff, and disappeared and I finished them all. Bunch of calls to make and letters to draft. Couldn't get through to one of them...totally...and the other couldn't hear me at all.....atleast I got everything done... and discovered people have all disappeared for lunch.....
*mourn*......all alone. Got a slice of pizza and studied some fuseki problems. Then I bought the DVD set of Gravitation just because I felt lonely....
Did email of Boss's wedding preparation list...........he even had to schedule in haircut...............weird.......apparently I'm part of his working committee and is in charge of the invites and rsvps............sigh...
He then subtly ordered me to carry his defective printer-fax on which I had been writing a complaint letter on, to return to the shop along with the letter which has to be posted by hand. Lugging the thing around is so not funny....he gave me wrong directions, and I ended up carrying the thing through the mall looking for the shop only to be told it is outside, a little thing in the corner. And then a gust of wind came and blew the letters away!! EEP......and they went under a car!! And flew off near some drains.........thank everything they didn't fall in........rescue of letters complete, enter store all huffed. Then the people inside refused to acknowledge the letters because it'll meant they acknowledged the requested refund. My arms felt like they were limp all over.....
Got briefed on what to do tomorrow. Apparently I'm to run errands at one of the courts. File search, file extraction, and file submittance. I GET TO GO INTO WORK LATE...............that's the only upside =)
Oh well...............had plenty of time left after work, so I went onto Amazon. Found a yaoi manga called Desire by Maki Kazumi and Yukine Hanami that sounds interesting. As well as 'A Witches' Bible' by janet and Stewart Farrar.....
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 9:18 PM
Monday, September 26, 2005
Thus played the wedding song. Boss is getting married....big surprise. I told you the dresser in the house must belong to a woman, but no one believed me. HAH.....
I'm now personal assistant/assistant events manager. He wants to arrive at the wedding and go 'oh nice surprise'. -.-
The guy is completely unromantic, having the wedding somewhere 'convenient' .....I got a feeling its some church attached to a shopping mall. Also he has not planned his honeymoon. Bali might be nice...he mused. And asked me about 'tour packages' when I suggest renting out a villa with a gorgeous sea and hill view and they can be private together...but noooo.........he wants the beach and people -.-.
Tired.........very much so...............wakes up sleepy, come home sleepy....oh man......................THREE MORE MONTHS...........
*huggles K-kun plushie*
Manifest is over. EEEEEEEE..............I sure hope nichan got something from there for me........><.....................*drools*.............
Oh well..........
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:20 PM
Friday, September 23, 2005
Invoices! Accounts! Receipts! Cheques!
My brain hurts.........literally........major headache, like this whacking at the back of my head...
Boss had me doing account related work all day. I'm suppose to search through every file, and every client cheques and statements and then type them all up again into neat files. Owww.....I spent half an hour just figuring out where and how to start, then how to use spreadsheets..........*major blushie*
Boss had to leave, so while I had free use of his office and more importantly...his COMPUTER WITH INTERNET.....I sneaked into Kgs.....just for a teensy while...
Sigh......Kakashisan.........................are we playing a game ne? First time meeting? I'll play along..............
Lunch with Boss. And met with a man.........who I think is a criminal lawyer................scary.....*shudders*.....he dressed, spoke and acted slightly, like a gangster, mafia man....with the F word coming here and there.....and he deals with like $50,000 dollars per case file.....and with such ease, they talked about corruption and principal witnesses being shot to death.......eto.......*twiddles fingers*
My lunch was too spicy....
Ahaha.....spent like a day drafting one letter among all the accounts stuff, which also included weird invoices which involves searching through files and making up expenses to suit the payment paid...............anyway, the letter was in the national language!!! Added that I cannot decipher boss's handwriting...and the junior partner's handwriting.............and my so not there sense of the 4 something pm, letter finished, faxed and couriered!!
Miaomiao...........................tired ne.........would be so good to snuggle into the blankets and fall asleep............. game.............we are all playing a game..........
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:33 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Went totally straight to work, drafting letters.............and boss came in without his shoes today, so he was pattering around in green flip flops...and his first order to me was 'make me a coffee' which subsequently led to me hovering around the corner figuring out coffee powder, cream powder and sugar. The end of that was Rosa took one look, took back the coffee and redid it, saying boss will laugh if I gave my concoction to him.....*shrugs* it looked and smelt fine to me.....apparently coffee is suppose to look a light creamy brown.........I wondered if he liked it......I wonder if he will ever ask for coffee again ^^.
Wow, busy busy busy.........tons of letters and paperwork to do. Was between two comps the whole day, completing assignments and printing, faxing, copying, and more and more drafts and trying to decipher the language in which boss writes in.....was doing two, three things at once, like drafting a letter, overseeing faxes, and doing accounts. Oh yeah, better half of the afternoon was spent poring over receipts and invoices and attempting to find files....the idea that 'its somewhere here' doesn't do much when I'm trying to find it. Going over every invoice and trying to match with receipts, and then messily clicking through excel sheets doing invoices...was surrounded by piles of files and papers, and like three, four, five different cases infront of me including a huge folder of invoices and a chunk of receipts......hope the papers are actually in the right folder right now.......
Have such a headache. Woke up with a bit of a swollen eyes, which is hurting...slightly..........
Today had lunch with the office staff. Nice, but slightly intimidating......I kept quiet most of the time, eating my fried noodles. Then Boss called, asking me to find a shoe store that sells the hush puppy off I went on duty. Can't believe it though, that this batch of staff also dislike the senior partners. The coveyancing lawyer is already thinking of resigning......and this morning they were all singing!! To poke fun at Boss' partner or something...........hahaha, I was wondering where the music came usually it's really quiet, especially with me in my little room. Even my last attachment, in my cubicle, everyone pretty much did their own work.......and today as I slodged through papers, I heard
Worked overtime.......boss wasn't even aware that I was still there, finishing letters and putting together files...........just as grandma rang for the second time, he paused and remarked 'oh, you're still here'...........^^...yes I was....and it was getting late........but it was way hard trying to do a letter in the national language instead of what I was used to. I can speak chinese and english just fine, but trying to decipher malay was basically asking me to make up words. Especially since Boss' handwriting looks nothing like words.....more like curly swirls and lines.........
Watched my first Naruto episode.....way cool....dubbed in another language though ><......still, Sasuki is so cool, and Kakashi sensei.....woah...........just wondering though, Naruto is a ninja?? He wears like bright orange....which ninja priding on stealth and secrecy...wears orange !!................
And going through my Fuseki book, finally I'm getting some problems stone at option A, and the book goes, Black at one is answer!! WOOHOOO..........finally......although having not really comprehend the first part of the book can't be good foundation for the second half...*blushie*.........still, it's progress!!
So sad that I'm getting excited over the prospect that the weekend is nearly here, and then no work for two days!!! I'm so pathetic.....I'm the patheticness of patheticity................
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:28 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
^^''''''''', it took someone I knew in high school to remind me that it was the moon festival. *blushie*............I'm getting so old, couldn't even remember.......
This year it was set on the 18th of September, for people to bring out the mooncakes (although I'm sure everyone has been enjoying the traditional and now funky new flavors of mooncakes since a month) *thinks*.........they've been showcasing some like snow skin mooncakes, chocolate caramel mooncake, icecream mooncake....stuff like that........we are still partial to the orthodox lotus paste and egg yolk ones ^^...oh yeah, bring out mooncakes, and lanterns, and everyone sit together for a big dinner....
There are many legends behind the mooncake speaks of a warrior who shot down the nine suns, and in a rage, the sun god took away his wife and made her into the moon goddess....also there are stories about the mooncakes, such as rebels putting secret messages into the little cakes to warn the villagers about the soldiers coming...........
We didn't celebrate this year........hmmm, haven't really for a long while. We used to have lanterns in different patterns like fish, and dragon, and rabbit, and bring them outside, candles shining through the shiny colored crepe paper, and walk around outside. The moon, said to be the brightest during these three days would shine above.................
Haven't done that for massive long time..................sure we get the cakes, actually we get tons delivered to us *mutter about status*, never could finish them, though the boxes are pretty..............then it's just me and grandma, at home.....*sigh*
Second day of work!!!!!!..............boss wasn't even in when I arrived ><....they bunked me off into the small meeting room since they had no available place...I'm wondering if he even told any of his staff I'm working there......
Then got a laptop, a very ooold, laptop, plunked infront of me with the instructions 'set it up and dont put your finger into the socket', and two minutes later during the set up, got a shelf thrown into the room with the instructions 'make it smaller'.
*tick tock*
So there I was on hands and knees unscrewing the shelf apart, taking away the actual shelves, and screwing them back together again.......settled infront of the comp, got briefed on documents, and then I was back into drafting letters....see, what did I say.........
*tick tock*
Spent the morning after the letters AND reading a, all jokes aside, five inch thick affidavit. That is a five inch thick, full of papers with words, document....
Then I just focused on fuseki......^^''''''''''''
And reading lawyer jokes which I found in Mr Lee's comp........
Got taken out for lunch. Chinese herbal soup place....I ordered chicken rice ^^'''''''......the thing about me and food, is that I have to know what I'm eating....and the forever traditional chicken rice is what I know best........
Was with Mr. Lee and Ms Cherine, the two senior partners of the firm. It's really weird, but it keeps happening, that I'm prone to be with the bosses rather than the staff...........even my last attachment, though occasionally I was taken to lunch or to court by Mr. Lee's legal assistant, most of my time was still spent with the senior partners at any time. Just find it really hard to talk to anyone they all do their own thing............and most of my stuff are given by the boss, requiring very little to do with anyone else in the office. Doesn't help when they all keep wondering what race I am ........the first question I got wasn't 'what's your name' but 'are you chinese'..................*sigh*
Boss got a client after lunch, in the meeting room, so I was stranded and went into the other 'office' where I found an available and working and networked comp!!! Right into the internet I go to amuse myself. Boss' laptop had NOTHING except for microsoft office which wasn't even fully installed with all the cool stuff that I could possibly fool around with, it had no office games, and of course no internet. I spent the morning clicking on was way happy when I found the office had spider solitaire!!
Alas, Boss called me away and said 'ok, you can use my office' and set me tons of work to do right before I was meant to leave for home....drafting letters, settling his accounts, faxing and mailing letters, putting together exhibits for his case....................
The phone kept ringing during the times he was briefing me ^^.....grandma insistent of me leaving.......................
Which means tomorrow I will have work right on my desk...........uh...whatever desk they decide to give me ^^'s so weird ne. I keep getting these players who challenges me 'touya akira style'. Not on KGS anymore, so I get them through msn, where they go 'I will play you again in a year!!!' cos by then they would have gotten stronger...........I'm just wondering....why me...........there are so many stronger players than me on the net, especially on KGS, but they are insistent on wanting to beat me in a year.....*sigh*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:16 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
After that little fiasco of sick day ^^, turned up for work today, although boss said he would be going around everywhere alot, so he told me to arrive at 2pm instead of the designated 9am.
I've forgotten what a ........dilapidated place he had his office's like the epitome of the wait, other way around.........epitome of a cake baked by yours truly...looks nice on the outside, total ant hill in the inside.......
Yeah.....I walked up the first flight of stairs with carpeting and arrived with a second flight of stairs that's grey chips falling everywhere concrete......and then turn to the left to the firm of Lee and Associates.
After a brief moment of reading a case file for annulment between a was so funny.........the husband wants an annulment cos the wife refuses to go home with him and consumate....was funny when I read it....
Boss drove us to his apartment, cos he was moving and needed to take care of stuff. I ended up having to be the one who moves his trolley with his stuff, into his apartment.........
Good thing was inbetween climbing five flights of stairs to reach management, and then waiting for the movers to finish putting together all the furniture, I was sitting there reading on fuseki.......^^, finished like 10 problems....
Then boss got the insane idea that I'm bored and called me away to screw together ikea stuff for the I had a screwdriver and was busy shifting around trying to put together racks and other metal stuff......
Not bad for my 'first day'....tomorrow its probably filing stuff....
Still........this is what a personal assistant does...... tall and slim do offset against the 'three stooges' look that boss was trying to resemble....*chuckle*.....hahaha, the PA is hawt man !
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:50 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
A new drawing in the Sabaki Files. This one is called Metaphorpheses, after the birth of the butterfly, influenced by the anime Tactics. The highlight of this piece centers on the beauty of the butterflies, richly decorated with patterns and colors. In one corner, lays a girl in a butterfly engraved kimono, her presence is less significant than that of the winged beauties.

Decided to change a little bit of the focus in the Sabaki Files. Before it has always been anything related to KGS, now it will focus on the idea of sabaki, which in go terms means a light shape. Ever since the opening of the Sabaki Files, I've been seeing changes in my drawings, they are becoming softer, more free flowing, resulting in drawings that are more gorgeous than anything I've ever done, more different, and inspired by the details of kimonos and yukatas as seen in HNG and Tactics and Rurouni Kenshin.
Been watching an anime called Tactics. I first heard of it....or rather saw it as an illustration book in kinokuniya, bound in hardcover, and absolutely excellent drawings of its main characters in...what else....kimonos and yukatas ^^......watching the anime, it reminded me of Yami No matsuei, possibly one of the most beautiful anime ever created with a fantastic plot and accompanying opening song. Unfortunately its creator decided to discontinue the we were left with a paltry four chapters, 13 episodes YnM. Tactics is a lighter version, running on 25 episodes, of YnM. Its main characters are mirror images of those of YnM, with tall dark and deadly Haruka or his past alter ego Onikui Tengu as Tsuzuki, and younger, shorter and light haired Ichinomiya Kantarou as Hisoka. There is the also subtle undertone of yaoi, as these two characters form a bond, most evident somewhere in the fourth episode where Kantarou tells Haruka 'I will die for you'. They are also accompanied by Kantarou's fox demon who he has named Yoko (and she is so adoring, when fox ears pop up from her head from time to time) and the child Suzu who has a crush on Haruka, and Sugino Tengu the effiminate (can't be sure if it's male or female because the voice is definitely male but the anime kept referring to she, it's most weird) White Tengu who seems to be married to a weird cute green demon called Moo. The anime mostly follows Kantarou who has the ability to repel ghosts, so he and his friends investigates sightings........some of the stories are quite frightening like the one with the dolls in which one was possessed ><......ugh.....I woke up and had images of something watching me, or ghosts under the bed or behind me or on the ceiling.....definitely not sleeping alright........nevertheless the tone of the anime is much lighter than in YnM, less intense evil or emotions involved. I didn't the anime was quite appropriate....but it has its own charm...
I shall lay out the lyrics of the opening and ending.....oh...just saw episode eight, and saw something that looks like a legged go board, but it turned out they were playing shogi...><....
Opening- Secret World
If you listen carefully,
You should be able to hear it,
It seems to call your name,
In a low voice,
Deep in the forest of this big world,
Who is yelling out loud?
Burn this night,
Secret World,
Ready to rescue,
Toward the mysterious world,
Close your eyes and fly high,
Toward the invisible world,
Secret World.
On the evening streets,
I suddenly call upon you,
Even if we are apart,
You can still hold me tight,
With your support,
I can feel your presence,
No matter who gets stronger and powerful,
The invisible power,
Is a great motivation,
The invisible power,
Is the courage you give me.
Sigh.....the ending song seems to appropriate to me right now...><.........sigh..................have you ever felt when you needed to talk to someone because of a problem only to discover you couldn't talk to that one person because the problem is between the two of you?........caught double trap.....and total living wreck..........*sadmiao*
Been such a bad week. Hmm....bad month generally....been feeling alot of stress, over uni and over work, alot of unhappiness about myself....everyone are leaving or have left for uni, I haven't seen or heard from school mates since exams are over. Pri nechan as I said has settled into Rochester, and the just on Saturday Su was packing for St Martin's London. She discovered Skype can called me and squealed for a good 10 minutes =), and we had a conference between her and me and Pri.....then she went back to packing. But that's it.....people are moving on, they are packing, they are moving and going to uni, and I....I'm here.....scared as hell to move on....I've never liked the idea of university, of going away from what I've known and starting by myself eventhough I've hated living here being restricted by rules and discrimination....just scared of going and feeling like I can't handle it.........and now mother has ...well, dad was the one who wanted me to work, but it was mother who somehow ambushed me into a three month PA job for who else but Mr Lee.............again....working for him again....ok this time I get paid for it...still so stressed over doing mistakes. He goes and tell me the day before I was suppose to start that I didn't need to come in that day, then in the evening he goes 'urgent matter' that I needed to convert a legal document into a letter. *sigh*
UCL and UCAS kept sending letters confirming my placement.....starkly reminding me what I'm giving up. While people are going to prestigious London Universities...what have I done with my life.....
There is just such a huge difference between having a passion you're happy with, and having a passion that you hate. I'm beginning to think more and more of the latter. That I may spend so much time and effort and hope into taking law and becoming a lawyer and ultimately fulfilling the career of my choice, yet to what extent am I happy with what I want to do? It is just so bleak. Studying the injustices in the world, being surrounded by possible criminals, or peers who spend their lives defending guilty but yet to be proven criminals.......everything so black and white, cruel, rigid....I'm beginning to hate my future. What is killing me is the idea that I might have hated my future all along....
Fell sick.....Yesterday was totally wiped out, with a fever and flu and a bad hacking cough that left me wheezing and hard to breathe. The skin around my eyes swelled, so my face got swollen, I couldn't see and was in pain generally the whole day, taking panadol and medicine.......even better I had to call Mr Lee for a sick day on my first day! Which is now being spent....sitting here...waiting for the swelling to go down....great way to start work....
Grandma found a vial of yellow liquid and thought I was on's highlighter refill thingy....she was the one who bought one knows me in this house do they.....*mutter*.......drugs.......
Got letter from school.....Cambridge Examinations Board found that I was top in sociology in this country, so receiving an award......yippee..............
Can't sleep...........can't think...................bad bad headache.............................missing someone..........
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:03 PM
Found a funny article....I think...
Goes like so:-
Last year, I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0 and noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up alot of space and valuable resources.
No mention of this phenomenon was included in the product brochure. In addition, Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs and launches during system initialisation, where it monitors all other system activity.
Applications suc as SMoking 10.3, Boozing 2.5 and Saturday Night Pubs 5.0 no longer run, and the system crashes whenever they are selected. I cannot keep Wife 1.9 in the background while attemtping to run some of my other favourite applications like Night Club 4.3, Dance 'N Drunk 2.0 and Bachelor Party 7.77.
I am thinking of going back to Girlfriend 7.0 but the uninstall does not work on this program. Once I tried to uninstall Wife 1.0 but got this error message "general protection fault in mudle house security' after which uninstallation aborted.
The following is a reply from Tech Support:
Dear Software Engineer,
Ref: Upgrade from girlfriend to wife
This is a very common problem men complain about but it is mostly due to a primary misconception. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0 with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a Utilities and Entertainment program. Wife 1.9 is actually an Operating System and designed by its creator to run everything.
It is unlikely you would be able to purge Wife 1.0 and convert back to Girlfriend 7.0. It is impossible to Uninstall, delete or purge Wife 1.0 from the system once installed.
You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this. Some have tried to install Girlfriend 8.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with more problems than the original system.
Look in your manual- which was given to you at the time of registration with Wife 1.0- under 'Warnings-Alimony/Child support'.
I recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and just deal with the situation. Having installed Wife 1.0, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Partnership Faults (GPF's).
The best course of action will be to enter the command C:/APOLOGISE. In fact I would suggest you use this command everytime Wife 1.0 crashes on your system. Wife 1.0 is a great program, but requires very high maintenance.
Consider buying additional software to improve the performance of Wife 1.0. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Chocolates 5.0 or Movies 4.5. Do not, repeat DO NOT under any circumstances, install Secretary with Short Skirt 3.3. This is not a supported application for Wife 1.0 and is likely to cause irreversible damage to the operating system.
A recent survey says that Add-on software like Dress 2.0, Jewels 3.0 and A Long Holiday at a Beach Resort 1.0 are the best third party tools that support the Wife 1.0 program to run smoothly and effectively.
Technical Support, Wife Software Inc.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:00 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I'm selfish.
Stupid is a word.
I'm past feeling.
Stuck up, going on two words.
Ostentatious, forgotten how to spell.
I know nothing. I'm a friggin' cold b***** of a person who deserves to be shot dead and have the revolver rammed into me, then toss this stupid useless body into a mass grave dug for one. Who gives a freakin' s***. I don't. I never did. I hate. I, I, I, I,'s all about I, about me, about how I just look out for myself, and don't care about anyone else. Face the facts. I should be facing reality. I'm not a pleasant person.
I suck.
So stop crying.........................tell this stupid body with this ugly face to stop crying.........................................................
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 9:29 AM
Monday, September 12, 2005
FGM by Leah Ray
The World Heath Organisation defines female genital mutilation (FGM) as any procedure under which the female genitalia are wholly or partly removed or damaged, whether for cultural reasons or any reasons other than medical.
FGM includes a range of practices, depending on cultural and geographic background. Eighty percent of FGM victims suffer cutting or excision of the clitorial hood, the clitoris and/or the labia minora, in whole or in part. Other procedures may include incision, perforation, nicking, stretching, scarring of the genitalia with burns, scraping away the flesh from the vaginal opening, or introducing corrosive substances or herbs to the vagina to tighten it.
In Somalia, infibulation, the most severe and potentially fatal form of FGM is practiced. This involves cutting away part or most of the genitalia, including the inner labia. The outer labia are sewn together, leaving only a minute hole for urine and menstrual blood to pass out. The procedure is commonly done without anaesthesia or antiseptics, using a razor blade, knife or piece of glass.
If the girl survives the procedure and any subsequent infections, scar tissue will cover her genital area, leaving it smooth and unfeeling. The nerve damage involved means that she will never experience normal sexual pleasure. Instead, she will endure a lifetime of excruciating pain while urinating, during her periods, during sexual intercourse and when she gives birth. On her wedding night, her husband will either force his way through the barrier with his penis or cut her open again with a knife. Fifteen percent of all FGM victims suffer infibulation.
Investigation by UN Special Ambassador against FGM and author Waris Dirie and journalist Corinna Milborn found that an estimated 500,000 women and girls in the European Union have already undergone FGM or are at risk of it.
Ironically, while women from Africa and elsewhere are fighting to protect themselves from genital mutilation, Dirie found some western women paying cosmetic surgeons to alter their genitals in a bizarre quest for the 'designer' vagina, often disturbingly similar to what is achieved by the most extreme form of female genital mutilation: a smooth, tight, almost childlike genital area.
Surgical techniques are being used to alter the genitals of healthy by body image obsessed women despite the risk of long term pain, loss of sexual feeling, and other complications.
.................................................................this affects thousands of women in Africa and Asia especially, forced by parents or at the request of the husband. Hmm......
On another note, there are some extremely rude people working at the postal office. And Johnny Depp did an excellent performance as the eccentric Willy Wonka of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:54 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Been feeling....................hmmmmmm................
Having so much fun in go ..........just playing when I feel like it and with anyone who challenges altho most are 20k and under. It's fun being able to just relax and not have expectations, but still hurts alot when I see my moves aren't doing anything, coming to uselessness. Feels frustrating to not feel that fire I once had, and that instinct, that fight for points when I used to play with the others, even coming close to winning against prodigious or daywalker. Now even Kuudee has risen to a strength of single digit kyuness, can't understand his moves when I watch his games...............and we were of the same strength only a few months before......
Got thoroughly decimated by a mid 20 kyuer......................hmm, a good thing was that I didn't feel pride getting in the way....just accepted it even as I lost my whole side, my whole top moyo. I could see my opponent wasted moves killing stones I had left for later, and yet still........the game wasn't mine at all, lost everything and bad, barely 50 moves in. Resigned with a smile..........
Am I accepting my own weakness....? I can't decide whether that's good or not, whether I'm accepting my weakness and going to get stronger or accepting it and giving up.............feels ...............useless............every click an admonition towards my lack of strength and understanding.......................
K kun says he'll help.................that every player goes through this stage of getting weaker before nailing *smiles*, before finally getting the knowledge of what we are reading from the books, from the studying..............then the games will get better............supposedly..........says he'll help so I can get stronger.....................can't help but feel that he'll be so bored. So evident from our last teaching games, all of them from months back, games where the teacher smiles and look upon the student struggling to place a move, smiling with a click of the stones upon the board, ever controlling, perhaps random, knowing the student can never surpass the move of each white stone, and merely looks away...........bored, indifferent, game, a few games among many, they hold no interest, no spark whatsoever..................
I am slumped in my chair and my head buried in my arms upon my knee....................................
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:55 PM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Ok, putting them up.............not nice, but not too bad...

She's holding a sword and a go stone...

Mused by Sukunami Taka around 12:04 AM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Red eyes are unpleasant.............they hurt...............generally crying in the night hurts..............the eyes anyway, nevermind the spasms in your chest................
Hmmm.....................I'm beginning to see my ribs.........they are kindda poking out, especially when I'm standing.........that isn't a good sign is the scales definitely indicate atleast a weightloss of 4kg........right, that isn't so good...........
Been so tired lately........probably due to the late nights, and the times when I don't sleep at all, so I stay awake for two days continuous, and then some sleep, and then awake two days again...........beginning to get some of my asthma back again, can't breathe letting the air-conditioner run at night just in case. Don't want relapses of my windpipe shutting down during my sleep and waking up...........actually, I won't wake up will I? If I couldn't breathe, then I'll just die without even waking up and knowing............happened before.............much younger though, grandma used to wake me up and force my inhaler in my mouth....................I still remember one time, the first time, I had no idea how to use the inhaler and got just woken up, and spending like way long minutes clutching uselessly at the inhaler...............
Need to get copies of my grade transcripts and for them to be certifiably signed by someone at school, to hand over to the IDP for Unimelb................then have to arrange bank transfer..................then have to look for housing again, speaking of which, I'll have to do that soon..........................
For the month of september, the calender has a painting of roses, one white and one red...........very.........dark.........for some reason..........
Kindda ok at go right now.............been looking at pro kifu, and reading up on fuseki........the other day, had a match with a player called Zalf, but some reason he resigned and left quickly.........he was suppose to be giving me a non handi teaching game..........dunno...........
Got two new drawings in...........just some stuff I scribbled, not my best work but yeah..........maybe I'll put them up.....................
Have to finish the story I was working on......................yeah, will do that for some time, take a break........
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:51 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005
Just remembered the boat thrill ride dad and I went on in Sydney. Wow it was great, much much nicer than the harley davidson tour he made me go on ^^.......
They took a bunch of us around the Sydney Harbour and did spins and bumps like on a jet ski and everytime the boat crashes into the water, it reminded of the time I used to horseride, and was learning to canter. That feeling was strong, the body lifting into the air and you feel totally weightless and everything hangs for just a moment before you are thrown downwards. During cantering it's the same, your body flows with the magnificent animal, and if you tense up it results in your spine receiving a whack to the bones. It's all about letting go, the willingness to gather all that power as your horse surges forward, that trembling and letting it go. Allowing your body to taste that power as you hang for a moment in the air, and relax, let go, and your body floats downwards. Breathing in the air, enjoying the controlled share of power......not the ownership, but an understanding that the raw energy is to be shared, to be given to you and you can let it go. Amazing, totally amazing feeling....
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 2:08 AM