Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The socialist society held a demostration yesterday, protesting against the war between Israel, Lebanon and Palestine.'s a ...just cause. Who would ever sanction war except for loggerheads who thrive on ignorant bloodshed.
Though one could always make the case that protests halfway across the world have no effect on politicians currently in midst of war.
As I walked past the chants of "Terrorist Israel! Go Go Israel! Fight against injustice of a stolen land, of a bloodshed land! Go Go Israel!"
I realised why I went to such lengths to avoid a society whose ideals I do prescribe to.........
They were full of hate.
Such bitterness from a bunch of middle class university students. I say middle class because even the poorest who could afford to come to this uni must eat better than the 'rich' families back home. Certainly if they could afford time protesting so much....
Such hatred for people they do not know.....such hatred for families and brothers and sisters who they have not met and can not possibly fomulate the type of living they must endure.
Sure...I myself holds the position that Israel actions are sometimes and most of the time unjustified. Same goes for the other country, for there can never be just one nation at war. I myself have countless times ravaged at American actions. But....never hate.
Don't hate people you don't know. It makes you like the politicians who argue that people outside their ethnic group are less than humans, who argues that others deserve to be stamped out because they themselves are always right.
These protestors who sit upon immaculate lawns, fighting with words and a microphone. Why don't they sign up with the army and stop the war? Why do they not rise to the ranks of powerful government positions and international organisations and work towards halting unilateral state action. Why do they not travel to the heart of conflict and bang those helmetted heads together and tell them to see reality.
Answer: hypocrisy.
Like me.
I sit here and all I'm concern with is making it through the day. Having good meals. Going through readings. Having fun. I'm concerned with me. Obviously. Sure, people die, people suffer, people go to war. What do I do with them? I can't go there and sooth their pains. I can't influence their leaders without being in a position of power myself. And right now I'm a uni student. Lowliest of the low.
Students are the generation's bright light. They go to schools, get good grades, enlighten their minds specifically because among them, we'll find our future leaders, our future professionals in medicine, in law, in technology. We find the people who will look upon this degenerating society and say 'now that I've reached here, I'm going to fix it'.
And protesting while still in uni isn't going to fix anything. Seriously.
How disgusted was I, passing this bunch of people blindly following, without new solutions to anything. If we could end all wars by sitting around, the world would be.....strangely peaceful. Added to the fact that they were emphasising on stolen land and all that. It's been 60 years. Get off your pedestals and stop inciting hatred in the new generation. Why do you think we have terrorists? Because they grew up with the same hatred, with the same thinking that force will solve conflicts, with the same refusal to come to terms with the other group.
So selfish.
Unrelated note:- Finally started speaking during tutorials. In Torts and in History tute. People listened. =). Bonus points ting ting ting. Bonus points ting ting ting for social skills too. Spoke to a girl in politics lecture.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 3:58 PM
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