The Chibi Painter, a must click! The best chibi and cell shade art piece I have ever completed >^^<. I'm so proud naaaa, isn't he cute naaaa. Took about 6 hours with 3 sketch layers, 1 lineart layer and a ton of color layers and erasing. The shoes didn't come out good but everything else....*squeals* and I love the splattering paint ^^.
Painted Reality, second cell shaded picture. A composition I'd been idly fooling around with, the disintegration of the wings and clothes, and the unravelling of the obi. The hair acts as a nice frame for a shop name to be put there and will by the banner for my new art shop.
Hades IOA, a NPC Char for IOA, the lord of the underworld...doesn't look very dark ><. Couldn't make him bishie enough, gah. And the shadows....GAH......*sets fire to it* Hades is fun to rp though xD.
Principles of Public law exam is finally over. Rotten notes, rotten exam and question and cramps! I woke up utterly sick and in pain, during lunch, during exam, after exam, massive back pain and massive cramp pain. Bleh.....Next one up is Philosophy...sighie...and then moving rooms....and then....home...
I'm going to miss everyone =( and Dilshan ><..... WAIL.....
Ann has gone home, and so had Vanessa.....Nathalie is leaving tomorrow and Connie is leaving on the 23rd leaving me all alone here for 3 days ><. Humbuggy....who would have thought I'd miss college and uni ><.
+The Writer+
Taka is a young law/arts student, often bumbling through life and trying to be a person rather than being defined by social conventions.
Shy, geeky, emotional, proud, and quite bisexual, doesn't smoke, drink sometimes, passionate about most things, Taka spends time dreaming, dancing, drawing and watching movies, often anime.
Is in love with the idea of love, gives hugs at the most random times, and is constantly worrying about people eventhough it does not look like it.
Aspires to either become a beautiful hermit by the river or a world dictator.
+The Blog+
Niflheim represents both light and darkness, of the celebration and distaste of life, of musings and incoherent thought. It is an outlet for personified angst and pessimism with chuckfuls of laughter and smiles.
It is Taka's way of drawing out all the little disturbing thoughts giving rise to nightmares, a way to self reflect, a way to seek solace.
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