Sunday, May 28, 2006
Last night was somewhat convinced by Louis to go along to Steph Moore's bday party at some pubs- Purple Turtle and Night Cat...apparently.
What was I thinking...oh yeah, fun.
After a brief interlude at Tankerville, where I discovered I actually NEED ID, honestly now I look too young? Louis nicely accompanied me back to get passport, during the walk back at which I took a spill and knees are still bruised. TT....kowaiie...
All the way onwards then......Purple Turtle isn't very purple. In fact it was very red., carpeting, wallpaper, lights.....did I mention red? bought a Bacardi, which I idly sipped and gulped down in half an hour because technically I got a little bit bored. A pub is not as lively as I imagined it would be....just a bunch of people sitting around chatting, drinking, and random music played in background and way too much red. Not really traditional British pub, and not really a club/bar/somewhere I thought there would be things to do or to see or atleast get interested in.
Perhaps I'm being too harsh..or maybe just too boring. I just don't a chatty random conversation inducing place is not my scene. Need things to preoccupy me, like things to see, things to dance....
Live jazz band at Night Cat. Better! More college people there, and you can sorta bob about looking preoccupied and with people without looking out of place, or atleast perhaps looking out of place but less conscious of being so.
After awhile, took to dancing with everyone else. Good music, we should visit some jazz band places more.....and then my head took to fainting and sorta hurried out. Fresh air has never seem so good. My head totally fuzzed up, like having it wrapped in cotton candy, and it was bizarre situation to be in. Wanted to go home then......realised...Louis is one decent fellow....took me home in a taxi, Julian came along too cos he wanted to get up early. And also....Louis is really good at pool....the things we discover about people hm?
Brr, I have a weird reaction to alcohol. My skin gets all itchy and the night was filled with me clawing myself apart. It was so damn hot! My skin was on fire....
and shaking and trembling.....
One bacardi and thus......what happens if I get seriously smashed?
Seems I'm having way too much fun....exams and studying and ever A+ girl has gone out the window. What a time to discover the joy of uni....deja vu....wait a moment...haven't I written this before?? DAY! woohoo. Went shopping in the afternoon with the usual, can't find nice boots though...wanna steal nechan's but she would probably kill me. Ahhhhh, so sad....I likey her boots. Got too tired leh, after lunch and walking around. Then dinner at Nando's with bigger gang. Abit..pai seh leh.
But so good to see Rayner again, miss you onichan number 2!!!
Then then, xmen 3!!! Omg, spoiler ahead.
It was way too short, leave you abit like..omg what happen then??? Tell me mooooore. But atleast it sorta clarifies who Phoenix is.....Jean Grey's alter ego. In the comic was weird, always thought she got possessed or something. The movie is more about the rugged handsomeness of Logan and the creepy sex appeal of Jean Grey. Scott Summers......aiyo, waste of perfectly cute guy, die in first two scenes. Rogue was all.....chick who wants guy, can't touch guy, guy flirts with other girl, Rogue go get cure to no longer be mutant. She was way powerful in the could she go and get rid of her powers!!! And Magneto too! And Xavier died!! And weird kickass chameleon girl is so pretty!!
Yeah too excited. Too weird this plot line. Too....waiting for Xmen4 kindda idea.
Eeeeee *scratch scratch scratch*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:25 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The 'I was Afraid' poem received outstanding reviews on Poet's Sanctuary. My first in a long time so I'm glad =).
Yesterday after workscheme rushed to bday party. Invited by Dilshan, his friend Alex's bday. Was pretty cool. We went to Strike, a bowling bar and I've never seen as much neon lights since last night. We chatted, drank a little. Overall a really good night. Finally it's like the joys of university life have opened up. Plus that drink really tasted nice......*thinks about it*
Seems to be getting colder, chill is getting into bone.
Finished an artwork today. And while I'm perfectly well aware of my passing grades and falling studiosity (that means the level at which I used to work at), bah humbug.
I WANT TO DRAW....creative arts *drools*
Lace was doodled in ink pen during History lecture. Transferred to Photoshop using Wacom tablet for about 3 hours, and 10 layers.
Handled some go club stuff today and spent about 2 hrs proding Paul to do publicity. My headache has increased. So many emails and nothing gets deleted!.....
Ah well.......
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 5:55 PM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I was afraid
By Sukunami Taka
I was afraid
Of never knowing
Of the day you'd tell me
I'm too weak,
Too silent,
Never seeing anything
Even as the bright light shone
And its warmth makes me colder,
Freezing inside,
I couldn't know,
Didn't want to,
It was so much safer this way,
But I was afraid
Of the day
You'd tell me
Even the ferris wheel
Is turning
Day and again
The sun shines past it
And the moonlight makes it gleam
The thoughts and desires
Of wind and past and moments
Of now, tears flirting down my face
It hurts
And never knowing why
I couldn't find the strength
When does it all make sense
When will the questions stop
It'll never come.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:44 PM
Monday, May 22, 2006
Sorta. Just trying to sneak in as many fun things I can do before exams come. Sorta like my addiction to procrastinate. In the process, I thoroughly build up the aching sick feeling at the pit of my stomach which would surely result in either a massive throw up or emotional collapse.
Just a warning.
I wanna watch Davinci Code and X Men 3. DVC hasn't been given a good review on rotten tomatoes, currently at about 17%?. It started out at 0.
The gals are dragging me off to Scumscrubber on wed...(scumscrubber????) and on Friday Dilshan has invited me to a friend's bday party. Hmmmm, hoping to poke in either DVC or Xmen with Louis sometime this week. Surely it'll exhaust me to no end. Can't have too much fun, you know?
I've realised I rather missed spending time with Louis. I wonder if we are even friends, since we rarely talk outside of the two rooms, and definitely have not even stepped out of college together. It's been really nice chatting and watching movies together. Weird.......but he's gotten cold again. I guess he was probably hoping to get something more than just friends, but then he was drunk at the time and probably was alot more appreciative of the cold towel pressed to his head.
Kindda brought alot of different feelings. I did miss him....and probably still does. But Dilshan's the only guy I want to think about right now. And not because he's here right now, but because he makes me feel comfortable Then I wondered if it was possible to like two guys at the same time. At one stage I was vemehently against it, because if you have feelings for someone else, obviously the current feelings aren't as strong as they are suppose to be. Then I's possible. Human emotions are complex, and if something exists, then it does. What matters is what you do with them.
I rather think....Louis has the potential to be a really good friend and someone I can go to if I have problems. It is rather unfair that Derek has that sole role right now xD, poor guy needs a break. Kidding......sorta....
But...yeah....I do miss him.
Just found out that the bid for college day slave auction came from two people, and I have to find a way to fit two people into the artpiece which is already completed....*moans*
Wrote a letter to Connie's demonstrator, the guy she likes. She had wanted to write to him for the longest of time, and kindda likes him, so I went ahead and typed for her, asking for a date on saturday. As we wrestled for the mouse, it clicked and send the email. *Ahem* now await news. She did spend hour wailing in the corridor and on the phone and sorta have a smile on her face and now she is reduced to sadly staring at the computer reading manga. She has a fear of.....dates I think. Or relationships or guys...or something. Would be her first if I'm right. It's scary by all means, but if she likes the guy, she should just go for it.
Tired ne...
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:07 PM
I realised afterwards I lost two pieces of art and not just one when photoshop hanged. One was a WIP, an elfen girl in a kimono. Gah.....but strangely the frustration which came from losing the first one didn't manifest. I guess I must have drained it all xD.
I recreated the lost art, Plexi Lexi and did a further two. I'm getting better at doing the hair and eyes. What I loved from Plexi Lexi's piece was the skirt actually. It really brought out visually how shadows and highlight colors can give something shape and look like it's been painted in the process. As I commented on someone's deviant, add a base color, followed by shadow color, highlight color and an even lighter highlight to give the object 'shape' and volume. Add the colors until satisfied and you can even use the handy sponge tool to lessen the stroke effect and blend. I find the sponge useful around the face or skin areas. Alternating between a hard 3-19pt brush and a soft 19pt brought to 30pt (I like to work with large brushes over a substantial area such as hair, skin, clothes) brush, is useful. One just has to experiment until they are comfortable with whichever brush. The large hard brush is usually for base color, followed by soft brush for strokes and blends, and back to small hard brush for details such as nose and lips.
Franky is done as an auction piece for the college charity day event. We got $20 HB for it, so not bad. Unfortunately the guy is not exactly a bishounen *gomen gomen* so both me and my roommate sat contemplating how to transform him into manga style. In the end, I decided realism CG won't be so bad, add a couple large manga eyes and we are set.
She went with her original face and eyes, and just changed the hair. Thus our duty is completed. Now I just have to find a color printer TT.......
Onechan Stephy has sent me a ton of webcomics, which I ardously slurped up during the writing of my last history essay.
Seraph Inn is an interesting piece. The artwork is more comical and the storyline follows fantasy more than manga, but it's absorbing once you read the first chapter.
Directions of Destiny is definitely manga style, with the added beautiful heroine and bishonen boy. The artist of Seraph Inn said she was inspired by DoD's artwork. When I first read DoD, I was like.......Seraph's artwork is so much better until I hit the later chapters. Improvement is apparent. The DoD artist has a deviant art account filled with CG work for covers of the comic. Stunning details.
Deviantart artists blows me away everytime. One DD was commented to have over 40 layers in one art piece......wth.......
They are the one's who inspire me to do much better. It's a good idea to save all your fav art pieces and study them carefully. Mucho improvement into your own artwork because you get ideas and you can study styles and how they are created through photoshop.
College day was cool, really enjoyed myself. Dinner as usual was bleh, and I suspected gave me the case of indigestion after the turn, or it could have been the wine....not sure.
Turn was costume themed, anything starting with 'S'. I could have gone as myself really xD. Nah I went as a spy. Very...anime....spy. xD
And my entire outfit seemed to have been borrowed, from the boots from onechan, tie from Dilshan, shirt from Louis, stockings from Ann. Only the skirt and glasses were mine. Roommate went as a skunk, Ann as a sailor, Vanessa as a sheep. Other prominent S's were Shrek, Sudoku, Samurai, Spain, Peter Singer, Sailormoon xD. Surprisingly Louis went as a spy too, clad in total suit black with a hidden gun. We rocked up the night, atlast they started to play proper music!! *dances*
Nechan's boots are sooooo comfortable, I wanna steal... >>.
Then spent the rest of the evening holding a wet towel to Louis' head and tucking him into bed. Poor guy went drinking at Smiley's with the others and got a tad overboard, and proceeded to throw up alot. It was nice talking to him again though, we spent Saturday watching movies and reading book.
On Sunday went out with Eeps and the gang. They dragged me out for turkish food and we ended yup with Japanese stonegrill. The food took hour to get to us and by then, mood has deteriorated. Followed by customary drumming, and poofed, we went home. Eeps took the whole night bullying me >>......hidoi....
And the funny thing was... I'm really having fun =).
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:22 AM
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
*Stomps eternally on photoshop*
Darn thing hung on me just as I was finishing an art piece!!!!!
It was a 3/4th body, paint style avi art of Plexi Lexi, and omg, it looked so goooood, and then..........
'Application not responding'
There is no justice in this world...
*Stomps on photoshop*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 8:18 PM
I realise I do not care for poetry of love but those of yearning and desire,
Their tugging fingers, trailing across my soul,
Of loss and grief and unfanthomable fear,
Once again, idle insecurity wells up within,
How fetchingly appropriate, just as I am unable to complete,
2500 words of historical drivel.
There's a writing competition held by Farrago at Uni in conjunction with the Art faculty. Would be interesting except I haven't written something I was happy with in a long time. And right now as I've hit 678 words of my much needed and much LATE essay, I'm thinking...I'd like to write a poem.
So I went scouting around for inspiration. The current fluttering happiness sent me off to Poets' Sanctuary, around the Hearts section. After 3 pieces, I choked and ran quickly to Angst section.
I can hardly believe that romanticism. Destroyed the english language, and .... forgive but I'm sure in my youthful days I must have partaked in the mangling with such words as........ fluttering >>.
Love....well love. Can it really be all clouds and star shine, ponies frolicking over hills and unreleased passion washing over a lover as they caress *coughcoughcough*
Ohhh, how old I've become. Onichan would be sure to sit here and say 'I told you so young grasshopper'.
Love well just being comfortable. Atleast...that's what it feels like. Some may say it's boring, hardly a spark, and...well.....yeah......occasionally one expects the dozen roses and being swept up in a whirlwind of romance and kisses. How would that create a spark, one innocent question creates the situation for sparks, and don't anyone dare to drag evolutionary conception into this discussion >>. Still.....
It's being able to hug someone with all your strength and not feel shy. It's being able to be silly and stupid and insecure and not feel challenged.
It's about being able to laugh and cry, and then kiss them on the nose and curl up in their arms.
It's about being to watch a movie and having fun.
It's about holding their hands and feeling safe.
It's about missing them every day yet knowing they are there the next day.
It's about whining and complaining then sneezing into their pillow as you laid there miserable but comforted because they are there and they still love you.
It's about ups and downs and all those times in between when they let you pounce on them and drag them for hot chocolate and making them sandwiches.
It's about living everyday with them everyday and instead of going insane, they keep you sane.
And you can love anyone.
And that special person, you can have all these and be able to look into their eyes and know how happy you are.
~A poem~ by Taka
It was not a warm summer's day,
Nor pretty Fall of colorful leaves,
Nor Spring of young promise, and sweet flowers in the air.
Blustery freezing Winter, where all bundled into coats,
Knitted scarves and woolen hats, and faces burrowed over hot tea,
And there I saw his eyes.
Large and wide, and brown as a speckled bird's,
Laughter when he smiled and laughter when he turns into a frown,
Pretending he didn't care, even as he leaned in close and whispered.
His hand was warm,
Goodbye hugs brief, unsure,
A gentle touch, and I could breathe no more.
How the heart yearns what it cannot have,
Insanity drizzled and tempers flared,
And when, and when at last, his grasp became firmer, his lips soft,
The heart yearned even more...
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 1:36 AM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Art has taken over poetry. Art is like the visualisation of the soul. And before anyone accuses me of being philosophical, I blame my course.
Been practicing on artwork and coloring with Wacom tablet and Photoshop CS. Thus result and my proudest work ----->
You should check out my main page too for recent works. Discovered and finally know how to use layers, capturing lineart and coloring hair and eyes and using various brushes. The only thing left is creating flawless unjagged lineart =).
Next news:-
Go club- I've been made president. Hurray. Now what do I do.....
It's like......a dictator who suddenly discovered he had the world. Then what does he do?
mmmm, shall find out I guess. Dilshan's secretary, Davina is Treasurer, Michael is general committee, Paul is promotions and Tridat is tournament organiser. My new cabinet.....
University- Worrrrrrrrk. Last History essay due in two days, and guess what I'm doing, sitting here, reading...sorta.....drawing..well ...we must learn as we will.
Hm. My essay topic is "Those left behind suffered just as much as soldiers at the front. Discuss". Exams are on 9th, 14th, 22nd...I think.
College- the people came back drunk and started singing. I've found bedsocks from Target and for some reason, the bedroom has become warm. Hurray.
Boyfriend- luffles him everyday.
Last week events- we went to watch Dave Chapell's Block Party. I got sick in the duration of it and spent a good half an hour throwing up dinner. Bleh. Storyline was weak, too much pro rights something and shaky camera. Brrrr.
Dinner was rushed, but wasn't bad. Didn't get Coretto's but curry chicken is alright =). Introduced, sorta, boyfriend to rest of gang (of Derek's side). ^^. Eepin scared him a little......tad bit...mmm.....maybe...
Supper at Coretto's then we fell asleep at Derek's.
What turned out to be movie marathon night = sleep fest. Yeah, poor sleepy uni students. Anyhow..
Anyone who hasn't watched Black Books, go watch now! Funny british comedy, though admittedly only the first season rocked.
Anyone who hasn't read Death Note the manga, by same mangaka as HNG, go read now! Fantastic plot. Though admittedly after the 'main' event, it wasn't as nice, but still very captivating, with brilliant artwork and well thought out sequences.
Anyone who hasn't bought the book Totto Chan: The little girl at the window by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, go buy now. There isn't a but coming. This is one of the best books I've read since two years. Simple, charming, brings a tear to your eyes and laughter in your heart.
Last note- go hug someone today =)
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 7:32 PM
Thursday, May 04, 2006
How bleak to think that human beings are put on earth to merely procreate. There is no other meaning to our actions, our dreams, our hopes, except to reproduce the next generation. That also gives no basis for human rights. There is nothing to say humans deserve rights, it may be moralistic for them to have rights, but they haven't earned it. The argument that by virtue of being human with the capacity to think and to take actions for our futures allow us these rights, is merely an extension of 'because you're born of this class, you deserve these rights'. Sounds familiar? Because you're born of nobility, because you're born white, because you're born male, because you're born blond and blue eyed. If we are placed here to procreate, we are not better than any other animals, but are animals given the right to decide their own life?
I'm pretty sure the counter argument is that the cow being raised in the pasture to be given to the slaughterhouse have no idea that it will be dying very soon to give meat and leather to the human race. Same thing goes for the accident victim in a comatose state? Or that brain damaged baby?
Speaking of which, in torts we learn that victims in comatose state aren't given compensation for pain and suffering because they do not know, while victims aware of their plight will be given. Also I wonder if they are given more as compensation for pain and suffering as they sit in the court room listening to judges deliberating quorum amount based on shortened life expectancy.
I suppose in the end human rights remind that we are human, and stops us from becoming monsters. The justification is that humans are capable of great wrongs, and of violence and pain. It may be natural in the world for animals to hunt each other, but for food and for survival. I believe humans are the only ones capable of torture.
Human rights are more to preserve our sense of sanctity than to protect our right to a life.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 12:56 PM