Monday, December 19, 2005
"floats in skies of blue"
Christmas songs blasting on the radio......deck the halls with boughs of holly...falalala la la la.....
No more more worrying, no more stress....
I'm free....
*Squeals* And I'm going to Nihongoooooo........Japan! JAPAN......give me a J! Give me an A! Ja ja....Japan!
Christmas surprise.'s massively cold there and it may be snowing and my ears may freeze off but JAPAN! Land of anime, land of j-pop, land of kimonos, land of......*teary eyes*...ultimate blend of tradition and technology. Land of IGO! How much do you think I need to bribe my parents to make a brief stop to the Nihon Kiin? Akihabara! Jimbocho! Wonder if we can go Kyoto.......
*sighs blissfully*
We're leaving next week on 23rd. Spending Christmas in Japan......and as Grandpa Xy puts it, *goes all large liquid eyes*
And so getting my goban there!
And published!! I'm officially published....*gawks* 'Hush' my poem (available on was chosen by Poet's Sanctuary to be published in their new collection of poetry. people will be reading my poem. Like in a real book. *Gawks*
Officially on 16th I finished work. Yay me. No more early days of drudging asleep to work, no more cold office, no more not getting food during lunch because I'm forgotten.....*sniffs*
No more translations! I also received $100 as Xmas bonus. So this month's paycheque of American $70 isn't so bad....
Will you believe writing to the university speeds things up so much? Really! One letter and the next day I got my official offer. Have filled out all the forms and everything. I'm waiting for dad to do a bank transfer (after ages trying to figure out the tuition fees) then I can accept, and start work on visa and everything else. The application to St Mary's will be sent off tomorrow.
MM....also met BigDoug and Sigh (Nachoman) on KGS. Sigh san does engineering at Unimelb while Doug will be coming to the go club starting the new year. Very nice people ^^. Spent the afternoon talking to Sigh on his other account and only found out who he was the next day....silly me....he doesn't remember Derek nichan tho. SEE DEREK, time to get out of the apartment more.....he's like cooped up like a chicken and going insane. Stephie is in Japan right now *wheee* and he's bored and overworked....hehehehehe.......
Haven't played a proper 19x19 in some time. Should start back again. The new clan is up and running more or less. We've decided on Clan Kiai. Our tag is [[CK]], but Owl hasn't fixed our room yet.... '____'
Members are all good friends *huggles them all* Most who decided to leave SGC to come. Yay for Leopard, yay for Badger, yay for Kuudeekun. Even Ruutana left TSC, but he does insist on calling the clan 'Clan Kookie' since we pass our cookies to winners '_____'
Fishy of SSF is becoming quite a player, he's changing his style and it shows, much steadier in his games. He even beat Muko san. Oh yeah, and Espy and Muko joined. Hurray! And I think I somehow got this 1 dan in but I'm really unsure. Eraserz (Murderer) said yes......hmmmm........
Met Tito san in Chris's room, celila is now sick though, so Chris is looking after her. Ah, and GoNinja (Eric) is actually quite nice to talk to. I was pleasantly surprised.....^^........
Granpa Xy is coming on new account (Aslan) and he did promised to teach me how to cg color, but rather hard through the net....><. This brings to next topic. I WANT A TABLET. That's right, a drawing tablet.
Been roaming DeviantArt and Gaia and noticed alot of the good artists use a Graphire or Intuos Tablet. It's a nifty little pad that acts like a flat screen. You draw on it and it shows up on the computer. You can then color and everything else. Can really do some good artwork on there. Grandpa Xy says it's good, he uses it for his digital art business, and Ninja wants to buy one too. Expensive though......nonetheless.....daddyyyyy......*flutters* *tug tug*
Hmmm.....also met a new player on KGS, except I've forgotten his username. '____' he complimented my artwork, *blush* rather nice.........hmmm......oh yeah, I did a funny pic of grandpa Xy. His specific requirements were "Don't draw me like your anime character and no large liquid eyes".
This is the end result. ^^.

He was very pleased. Mef and Tador then wanted pictures.... ^_______^.
My pet linearts were finally sold. The angelic set for 10k, the eagle set for 9k. I drew a few more today which will become samples for a custom lineart auction sometime in the future. Right now I'm busy with a collab art auction. 8 artists, 8 great styles. It'll be fantastic. Hoping to rake in 500,000 for each artist. Or more...even better. Applied for several RP manager positions, for steady Gaia income. Hopeful. The art competition in Dreamcatchers' Charity is now also in voting stage. I made finalist. Eternal Requiem is like the last drawing on the list. It's only in like 3rd postition though.....=(.
Still waiting for the other competitions. to do stuff. Got alot of time to draw now, yay...and to read my new books.....loving it all.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 12:18 AM
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