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Monday, July 18, 2005

Ok............to read Eepin's sabotage of my post, read below. Here I continue that at 12.15 nichan decided to wake me up cos Eepin was coming all the way from the suburbs and accordingly it was very hard for him to come into the city cos he lives very very far and it would be very bad to not go see the Rialto when he has come so far......

So nichan came in, flicked the light switch up and down several times and then he dragged my nice blankets away then he came and took my pillow away...........and I was forced to run after him for pillow and blankie and ended up eating cake for breakfast and washing up and then waited for Eepin, and then we went up Rialto tower to the observation deck and saw melbourne. First we saw a movie on Victoria state and we were laughing at the song that goes "melbourne, melbourne, our city of life"

Then we met Vincent and went to his apartment where his brother Ming showed a few episodes of Basilisk (bit weird with lots of killing) and Trinity Blood (vampires way cool) and I made away with his DN Angel collection which stops at episode 16, so sad.................

All of us went out to dinner---> Japanese restaurant and ate these rice with stuff on top that came in a container within a box of wood. Not bad.......then off to the arcade and then home where Eepin and Steph hijacked the comp to listen to music and at the same time to sabotage my blogpost........ ><

Last night staying up all night was so much fun. Nichan was finding these hilarious go related humour of nuclear tesujis and bad habits and weird books like how to get strong at gote and we were laughing away at me having to shuttle between games with Lax and with nichan on his living room floor............we ended up waking Steph who came and gave one glare like Samara from those Japanese Ghost movies and we both froze and apologised profusely. A few hours later the alarm went off and she refused to get up cos she didn't get enough sleep and was cursing at Derek and it was just so funny cos these two are so boliao with each other and nichan was singing and then they were laughing and I was being grossed out about them cuddling in bed and was relaying this to K kun, and we were both laughing so much..............

Sighs happily...................

Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:34 PM


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