Friday, August 27, 2004
The thing I would hate most in my ‘bright’ future is to wake up early…..whoever said that as you grew older, you need less sleep, obviously had not had a good night’s sleep ever…….my head hurts *ouch*
So here I am, half an hour early at the state high court, waiting for boss who is late yet again………so I waited for an hour in all…. I think he enjoys ruining my sleep for nothing but anyway now he owes me a second lunch (the first for winning an earlier bet)………and then the second for keeping me waiting………I thought I could wrangle a free lunch for the whole office, and he said I became a union’s leader….^.^……..hey, I’m just looking out for the ‘little’ people……..
Boss does enjoy talking a lot……the last time in his car, something got into my eye and I was rubbing ferociously with tears streaming from that one red eye, and he continued talking!!!! I think he enjoys teaching people………he also was telling a lawyer, youngish looking, about probates (the action to gain rights to execute a will) when she only asked how long it’ll take before it’s his turn and her turn to see the assistant judge……..
Anyway, I still think that market forces allow sellers to give buyers a discount, no matter what boss say about a conspiracy………..
It’s official! The system is slow….inefficient….and dangerous. The entire court system runs by paperwork with a single computer for registering, and they can actually lose files!! And no one does anything!!! We went around doing some odds and ends of registering some cases, since even though the court had told boss to be prompt at nine, they themselves postponed the case to 11 a.m. so we had plenty of time to spare. Anyway, the big picture? Loads of paper pile ups and no one listening when you try to get their attention……………
Major news….. I met a human rights lawyer…cool!! Although I’m not really sure why we needed human rights lawyers here when there are cases like Guantanamo and Abu Graib prison elsewhere….and Sudan………
I did ask but he vaguely said something else then we got interrupted…..
Interesting conversation though, I mostly listened when learned many things….hehehe….
1. The legality of things…..what the government sanctions are considered legal especially supposedly ‘dirty’ money…….alcohol, cigarettes, bribery of civil servants or law enforcement officials………………it’s supposedly against the law, but if the government allows it, it’s considered legal. For example even though the government is spending millions of money to discourage smoking, one of their divisions actually sells cigarettes as legal merchandise. So just making it ‘legal’ makes it really so? No one ever said that our government was not contradictory……’s just a scenario of closing one eye and letting the other sleep………..
2. Why we keep seeing cases of crime splashed all over newspapers. It’s not that the rate of crime is rising, it’s just that the public is getting more involved and that the government is using it as an easy way to divert the public’s attention, in order to cover up government policies………….clever……….also mostly it’s all public relations for the government officials. Their policies are merely this and that, and they rely on PR to keep them in the ‘high’ list……………………real clever……..
3. The reason why civil servants work slow…it’s because they always think they their boss had received some undertable money (bribes) so they think that the boss might as well do all the work as he passed the action. See how inefficient the system is when every action that is passed is considered to have been brought about by bribery………
Then today was my last day of work…….oh yeah, boss owed me a third lunch cause the decision today was against him too………hahah, me won another bet……got treated to a nice lunch, an mix meat platter *yum yum*………..and I was free!! No more work for seventeen year old me…………… the working world can wait until I get my Masters or PhD……………*bounces*
But ugh, boss on our way back very nicely informed me that the husband of potential boss three (from that day sometime earlier this week) actually died by burning alive in his car, because he fell asleep……………… I think I’m never getting into a car by myself………..
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 9:32 PM
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Was going to update this to last entry but then it went on for too long so I’m putting it here………..went shopping around with boss number two and saw some pretty nice stuff. Got a friend’s b-day coming (Melody chan) and so decided to get her something…….figures it had to be nice since she is sort of like my onechan……..and saw this shop called Lavender Bliss……….they had really nice jewelry stuff all handmade with Svavrovski (is that how you spell it?) crystals………..and stuff…….a little over priced but anyway…….went back the next day, with cash in hand……..and the day’s purchase:-
One crystal and pearl charm bracelet
Two crystal anklets……………they had little silver butterflies dangling…….
Hope she likes her present…………………….now if I can figure out what to get for the other friend…….*thinks and hops off*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 5:21 PM
Two more days until I’m free!!! Actually I won’t really be since up till now I haven’t yet made a dent in the momentous wall of homework that I have. This is a testament to my laziness and boredom regarding homework. Lest anyone keeps insisting that I like to study…this is proof…..I DO NOT.
Just that I don’t like getting told off so I make sure things get done. And also because I don’t want to get unidentified gradings on my exam papers……….I do have a reputation, you know….although I have no idea why the image of me as ‘conscientious student no. 1’ followed through to my new school……………*sigh* (I do this a lot)
Anyhow, there is still something not quite right with my home computer so I am unable to load up my new pictures (drawings) onto imageshack to display here….. I also had a few newspaper cuttings to put in my other blog Dagazdreamer……
So, while I am pining away in the office where I am now an adept at the game of solitaire ^.^……… I did say that I was going to update on the happenings of yesterday right? Well, yesterday has become the day before last, so bear with me for awhile as I recount….
Normal day at work, then we went out for lunch with boss number one and boss number two and their friend whom I think would soon become boss number three. Nice little resto…but then all the eateries here are little………but great food, since they serve only dim sum which is a kind of Chinese delicacy usually for brunch…..yum yum, my favourite is something called the ha gau, prawns wrapped in super thin wanton skin……..*is very happy*
During lunch, which as usual I was busy eating in silence while everyone else talked (my bosses seem to only talk about work related stuff… all bosses do that?). Atopic came up about staff……..another fav topic of boss…….it’s hard to get good staff around this area cause of the place location…no busses, no train…how do they expect people to actually come? But it seems that many are leaving or have left and they found it hard to retain them……bad thing when you are trying to keep a business going….also because boss number one is quite unorganized and would certainly get many many files lost without a legal aide on hand…..and they don’t know why and thus asked me if it is their fault. Now being right in the middle with connections to both staff and bosses puts me in a very difficult position because I know the reason why but I can’t exactly rat out on them now can I? Some of the reasons included that the bosses are really stingy i.e. only giving the dispatch person $8 to deliver something right to the border of the state!! And also by the fact that the staff aren’t really interested in the job…maybe work one year then do something else kind of attitude…… to get them committed if they don’t even like the job ne?
But then, I couldn’t say anything so I just shrugged and said not really…….the bosses aren’t that difficult actually….but then they are in a lull right now and I don’t have much to do, plus I have a computer with an internet connection…….. I think I would have died without an internet connection…….but then it is also a reason why my homework still exists……
By the time I got home and told my family i.e. mother and grandma…the horrors!!!! They of course do not understand the term loyalty and told in confidence………they said I should have told boss what the reasons were since I knew, but my argument was that something that was told to me in confidence can’t be blurted out like a turkey gobbling. Also I don’t work there, so who am I to destroy good boss and staff working relationship? Right? I honestly think that my family has spent too much time being more or less rich people and thus in the boss side of life, that they have lost all connections to the poor working people who has to make a living……it’s simply how we conduct ourselves, if I was to go blurting out such facts, then what is to stop them badmouthing me next time? Do unto others what you want others to do unto you……… I prefer to be a nice person and keep my mouth shut…………………*nods*
The day before yesterday:-
I’m wondering if anyone can read this…I’m typing in such small font…….but anyways…….
This was a court day so woke up early with the headache that reminded me of the steam engine *ouch*……then spent about an hour stuck in traffic to go to the state court all the way out there……*ouch*………..we got lost around the area because they are signboards and houses everywhere……plus my mind was a little unclear (I thought the building was yellow when it was actually white………^.^)
So up I trotted on the stairs (stairs again!!!), and into a building filled with the black and white…and criminals…..probably…….and thus began the my institutionalized behaviour engineered for work, I waited….that’s the very important lesson and the thing I would be doing 24/7 when I become a full fledge practicing litigator……… I would wait……eternal…….
But at this time I was waiting for my boss who is coming in his little horrendous yellow coloured hunting jeep (the type you see in Africa being ridden by the horrid hunters shooting after some innocent animal), and he is late. He was late the last time, and he was late this time and he had the dignity to tell me to arrive promptly at nine o clock!!! *Heave*……….always punctual me woke up with a headache, arrived on time, and boss is late……………………………………there goes my scolding, and he did sound rather apologectic…………..*blinks*………. ^.^ I’m not one to hold a grudge so I padded upstairs to watch some court proceedings on my own….halfway he rang and said come down, he was here…but downstairs after some ferocious searching and panicking on my part, he promptly came swaggering up the stairs into the main hall where I was……*sheesh*
More waiting……………..then we went into chambers to see the judge (id you know that everytime I follow to chambers, boss had to ask permission for me to be there? Cool………………………………)
The judge was nice…youngish looking…lots of medals and trophies…. I didn’t know that there was something called court games (sort of like sports day for judges) *lol*
It was very cool………….lasted about 15 minutes then we were out of there…..into boss’ jeep!! *ouch* *double ouch*….his jeep feels like an irregular massage chair….quite comfortable for me since the head rest was just right for me, but occasionally the jeep goes *wham* and whiplash ensues……*ouch*………
Wow…..this is a long entry isn’t it?
Well, to finish… the car, boss and I had a long conversation about one of his cases…..which was pretty cool cause he single handedly threw the opposing lawyer out of court as well as the case (metaphorically I mean). What happened was that a company was suing some tenants who were also its shareholders. The tenants got represented by boss who got them to remove the existing directors and appoint him as the company’s lawyer. This was all done like the day before court, so during it when the lawyer representing the company was asked to stand, both boss and the opposing lawyer stood up! Then boss put forward several resolutions declaring the removal of the directors, the removal of the lawyer, the instatement of him as the lawyer and the petition to throw out the case since the company was no longer suing!!! *lol* while everyone else was in a blur……, sometimes being a lawyer isn’t so bad after all……………………
Anyway….got to sign off here cause the entry is way long……………
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 5:13 PM
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
It's been some time since my last update (look below).........
Right now I'm (again) in the office, being bored and very reluctant to do my business homework consisting of product profiles and life cycles and Boston Matrix........*sigh*
Alot of things happened yesterday but seeing that I'm suppose to be doing work, I won't be able to fill you in now.....
For one thing, i suspect that my home computer has gotten itself a virus because the thing is going hay wire without actually appearing to go hay wire........and I've updated my ucas application with my grades.....and actually feeling like a total idiot because the thing is so misleading.........are they suppose to make you feel like an idiot on your way to university???
So..currently I've been amusing myself with some lego pieces that I found in the drawer........there's three red one-blocks, a blue two blocker and a blue four blocker....n my first attempt I made a a dog..........and a snake.....and a dinosaur.....and a battle ship...........*feels like a kid again*'s a real art form....trying to make it look like something.......and also something that reseble a seesaw but also looks like a moose head.....then a general's shoulder piece that sticks out......and a revolver.......a barge...I seem to be able to make alot of ships...........well, that's that........oh yeah, then a thing that I pretended was a hand scanner.......*laughs*.........
*Looks around*........................................................I'm bored, will tell you what had happened yesterday soon............
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 12:10 PM
Saturday, August 21, 2004
I’m in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *blows rose coloured heart shaped bubbles*
Well, actually I’m in love again………….with the most gorgeous actor…….yes, I said actor……………Kazunari Ninomiya………..*sigh* (the kind one makes when in love)
He has a new dorama (japanese drama) out…….in which *drumroll* he plays a schoolboy again…………………poor guy……..age 21 and still playing young teenager roles……….although I’m not complaining cause he looks cute in those roles!!!! *sigh*
He has also starred in my dreams….and day dreams….and overall little stories running around in my head……………….yes yes…I’m obsessed…………but you should see him!!!! This non-relationship has been going on for about three years since I saw him in the dorama Fuite something…………English translation -> As tears go by…………….
Then due to the lack of English present in the dorama…I lost him, then found him again in the Japanese group Arashi!! Oh, that was a happy day………fuelling the relationship with music CDs, music videos, and more doramas!! I’m in love………..he’s gorgeous…………………..and cute……….and sweet……….and naïve……probably………………*sigh*
Hahaha………………found a picture of him…….look below!! But he’s mine……………….so you can go fall in love with anyone else but him……. ^.^

*runs off humming an Arashi song*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:12 PM
Well, today has been an eventful day…..went out with grandma to go pray………
Along the way there, we passed by some parks…right in the middle of town!! I had no idea we had such finery amidst the towers of glass and concrete……….pity that the government would spend so much of the budget on maintaining parks which nobody goes to or is even aware of……and they are mainly to ‘beautify’ the surrounding areas of the homes of high officials and members of the royal family. And on the other side of town (not that far away) would be slums……….here there are acres of Japanese grassed land protected by gold spiked walls for the rich people who inherited by birthright and not by merit……………………..we live in a paradoxical society…………
Today was a hot day… even hotter in the temple. We had to pray to thank the gods for my good results…………….happy happy happy day. It was only through the duration we were there that my eyes were filled with tears, and my throat chocked with dust from all the smoke around……….*cough cough*……………..but it was fun. I haven’t been there in a long time………………….oh and custom!! Since young, we have this custom to crawl, or rather shuffle while banging our arms and legs everywhere, under the long table in the middle ‘to turn our luck’. Although I can’t think why I need to turn the incredibly good luck I’m having around………………there’s really no logic…but hey….custom is custom and it worked before, so it must work now…..^.^
Well, scrapes aside…………
Wrote a little something….not a poem but need to get something off my mind……….
You claim to know
What I am
Who I am
Who was I before?
In your anger, inclarity
You say you claim
I have changed,
But who are you to say?
You think I’m not myself
You thought
I’m the one who is different,
Who no longer wants to hear you,
To know you,
I’m the one who is not suppose to be like this
You claim to know I was different
But who are you to say,
You have never known me
You have never known me at all,
I did not change,
You merely do not know me before.
There…….it’s out…………..*sigh*
also, there seem to be no applicants to join Taka and I'm thinking of calling off the whole thing and going solo........................
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:06 PM
Friday, August 20, 2004's been one day since i got the absolutely mind astounding news (look below) and already I am depressed. It doesn't work when you are the only one who got good results and others don't...cos everyone else would be moping while you do little cloudy hops of joy......
And my parents....sigh.....I think it would have been better if I had failed something then they would get a shock...or else fail something all this while and then get the A so they can get a little more appreciative........*Feels like moping*............
I'm bored, and uninspired and downright feeling pushed to one side..........*so not in the mood to do homework*...............
What else am I going to do? This is hardly the right time to make a stand by failing something.......*and to think I'm working so hard somemore*
*feels underappreciated*
*feels like hugging a plushie only to find I had no plushie to begin with*
*slumps off in a disappointment*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 5:24 PM
Thursday, August 19, 2004
*jumps around madly* *yeah, i rule, tadaa, i rule*
I got all As for my AS exams!!!! my first year at A levels, and ALL As!!!!!!
*sings* *jumps* *dance* *float on clouds*
I'm going to update is celebration time!!!!
ja ne.........
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 1:17 PM
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
*Ouch*……today has been an aching day.
I waited until my body was bitten fully by the mosquitoes because my boss was late. He claimed that the traffic was bad…more likely he woke up late…..anyway, we had a hearing today in a judge’s chambers to get a trial for my boss’ clients. Not bad, at least slightly more interesting than normal because I finally get to see some real law action with plaintiff and defense putting forward evidence and authorities to support their case.
One point that my boss kept raising was that one of his defendants was a person considered to be at the material time, child to be under undue influence from a parent, and thus could not be held accountable for signing a guarantee contact for a loan. He stipulated that because at the material time, the person was studying and thus would be considered dependant financially upon the father and thus the father could be having an undue influence in the parent and child relationship.
However, to my knowledge, a child defined in law is one under minority age and thus would be considered in all effect dependant on the parent and thus would be accountable for undue influence. Yet the defendant was above minority age, was in university, and thus before the law would be considered an adult, and thus in full mind and authority for her own behaviour and actions. I honestly consider boss’ argument to be rather weak…….because to some respect the defendant could no longer claim to be under undue influence, but rather to be kept ignorant or misled to signing the guarantee contract. *sigh*…….. I don’t think I can tell him that could I?
Anyway…… you can see, I finally fixed my bloggy with the excellent advice from Aiko chan…….arigato hontorni………………………..
Oh yeah, I forgot to say….the judge hearing the case looked rather like a lizard……….but she was nice, very patient, because the hearing went on for two hours……..where they get so much energy and breathe to talk for so long, I don’t know….
But anyway…..then we were suppose to be at a raid to seize assets from a tenant who hasn’t paid rent, and we were late!! And the bailiff himself was late!! For about two hours………………when we arrive, they have done everything, so no action for us to see……………and then boss abandoned me, and left us (me and a lawyer working at the firm) to take the commuter train!! My first time too………….. *feels proud*
We ended up arriving back at the firm like at 3.30 pm……..haha, took a walk around at the train station, had lunch before going back…………..*shrugs* might as well enjoy abit seeing how tired we were from waiting so long……………
Results are coming out tomorrow!!! *panic* the DAY has come, and I’m worried………………what will I do if it’s all Bs? Or Cs???
*slumps off worriedly*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:08 PM
Monday, August 16, 2004's back to work day....and procedures are so seems a huge waste of time to go to court just for the hearing to be declared...that's it, just to be declared and noted by the judge....
Actually, some of the lawyers are quite good-looking... I thought all of them were ageing old men with beer paunches, and strict looking women with graying librarian-type hair....hahahaha....nah, there are those who are aides, chambering students and just entered the bar lawyers..not bad.... I should be spending more time with younger lawyers....
Anyway, I'm ready to scream...the stupid html things is already so difficult to get around with, and even when I did everything right, something still goes wrong!!!! I hate this stupid html thing!!! The images doesn't come out...the links are screwed...the words are all warped.....arrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhh....if this doesn't get fixed soon, I'm going to scream some more....humph....
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 9:56 PM
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Anyway, I've finally colored in (part of them) the latest drawings I did, and the ones of me and Kei!!!
So here they are.....


My baka roo Kei

Face to Face featuring Ichiro and Yomiko from Runes
Don't forget to go read Runes (fictionpress)...we shall soon have a new chapter up!!
*runs off*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 9:15 PM
Saturday, August 14, 2004
I was planning to finish off my business homework today………but my laziness kicked in, so instead I loafed around…
Oh yeah, it was mum’s birthday today, but she woke up like at 12pm something……so I was watching T.V all morning…..
Then we had the gift giving (not long with my present, some money from grandma….and dad had already given his gift), the blowing of candle (one…….it was suppose to be four big ones but anyway)….and the cake was not bad, the best so far that Grandma had bought……..choclate, with cherries inside…….usually she gets butter (ugh).
Then we (me and grandma) went out………I had to pick up a grey coat that was being altered, and she to buy groceries……….needless to say, my coat fits fine, and I look great (see my big head, anyone?)
Then, into my bathroom to put away some bottles of shower soap, and what do I see??!! The invasion of the ants!!!
After years of stepping on them, I think it was their form of payback………by swarming over my bathroom sink!! You should have been there…the shock, the realization, the scream (just kidding)………………but it did look absolutely gross……..if you envision my sink as a dead carcass being crawled over with ants, that was what it looked like……….but a couple of spritzs of insect repellent, and lots of water, they were gone……*sighs with satisfaction*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:04 PM
Woke up this morning and *pow*… gastric pains started again……. I thought I was going to die…….then thought again that the pain is so great, that I just want to die so that it would stop……………why in the world would such pain even exist, I think some higher being is playing us and laughing………
Despite the amount of discomfort I was feeling, and the weak steps I took with my entire body hunched over………my grandmother gallantly tells me that I better get a move on or I would be late………..
I’m going to court today……… *sigh*
This was what happened today in Civil Sessions Court 2
I’m in court right now, in a adjourned hearing where defense is currently cross-examining the witness.
First and foremost, the judge is said to be fussy, and thus I was cautioned to stop reading………like my reading would interfere with the judge’s perception of the hearing…………
The defense lawyer is rather strange. His points are jumbled and rather vague……he keeps jumping from different factors of the hearing from the tone of the letter, to its flow, to signatures, to salary employment, to some ex-employee, and now back to the initial letter……all in an hour!!
And just now he had a ‘showdown’ with the judge….hehe…… I never realised one could argue with the judge………..
And for his information in regard to his point…the Japanese already have a different writing structure to English, and tones of letters are always subjective to the reader………….
I wonder if he is purposely jumping around……..maybe it’s to illustrate his case……………
Really at this moment someone should tell him to get to the point…
And there are some people sitting behind me, all wearing the same slate blue coats (suits really), and they refused to tell me why!! When asked, they offhandedly said it was just a fashion thing……hah!! Its secrecy involved…………I bet they are from the commercial police……or the government……..but truly they should have worn black to be more inconspicuous…….
*Ouch*…….. again it’s beginning to get hard to breathe, and I feel this unrelenting ache in my gut……….gastric…gastric……. don’t think about it……………..ugh………….
Duh!! If the witness was a financial forecaster, of course he would have looked at all the past figures of the company!!!
Oh………now the witness is getting shoddy……..maybe that was the defense’s ploy……..
Ah……… they are questioning relevancy, forcing defense to make his point…he does have one!! Finally………….
Atleast they are talking in English for which I am thankful for………
People are snickering…….. I wonder if they can do that……it is hardly professional……….
Oh my god!!! That totally incorrigible policewoman has even forbidden me to write!!! But the judge has risen and left, so hah!!
I’m feeling hungry……it’s nearly 10.30 a.m and I’m afraid of my gastric pains returning……..
And I just remembered, someone’s handphone went off in the middle of the proceedings, and that policewoman didn’t say anything!! What is she doing singling me out?!
When the judge left, it became such a relaxed atmosphere…people chatting, laughing……..*sigh*……..again I’m wondering who all these people are…some are even wearing brightly colored clothes!! Pink nonetheless!!!
Now it is the prosecution’s turn…hey, the witness is speaking louder and more clearly than he did with defense, and he is less argumentative too…………by the way, the witness is prosecution’s witness, so I suspect that he was merely not cooperating with defense……
Ah, prosecution made a valid point by displaying the dangers of stipulating (by suggesting probabilities and scenes, and then was objected to leading the witness by the defense)……the court cannot make a judgement merely based on stipulations……… prosecution was able to denounce all of defense’s stipulations………..hahahahahhaa…….
So that was what happened…they moved on to another witness who spoke the national language, so I got out……………and it was a famous case by the way, so there were journalistic cameras trained on the court from the outside, so maybe we would be on the news tomorrow!! But my boss got a little edgy and moved us quickly to a little local café somewhere within walking distance………………….
That’s all for today……….*hum*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 2:30 PM
I feel like I’m living a lie……so stupid and useless….and only I know it….
I wish I was dead, so I don’t have to feel this pain again…..
No dread, no guilt……..always guilt and regrets paralysing me like this…….this is what my life is made of, everyday, every moment………….. I can’t live…………..
I feel no matter what I do, I can never be happy because I would never let myself be……………………
Sometimes I lie awake, most of the time I wake up to….worries that everything is going so well, to the point that something should be happening to make it all bad again…….. I should be worrying about my results coming out on the 19th……. I should be finishing my school work……. I should be paying attention and doing revisions…………………. But all I can think of is other insignificant things like HTML codes, and blogs, and my writing, and anime……….things that are insignificant…
I swear to be a better person, to do my best………to do all those little things for others because I want to show them that I appreciate them…..but everyday I live my life doing the things I like to do…..the things I feel I have to do…….
I hate myself.
Ten years from now, I would be jobless…….my grandmother would be gone……. I would have nothing…….and all because I prefer to do the things I like…………and then I would regret them………
I hate myself.
God, I will believe in you if you make this pain stop………
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 1:15 AM
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
No court for today…….so I spent the whole day in the office. First it was just doing homework, research and doing my presentation speech, then my ‘boss’ assigned me to draft a letter as a last appeal on behalf of a client. That was interesting, cause the diplomatic skills from MUN came in handy…………hehe, there goes the slight pleading tone, the emotional blackmail, the gracious appreciation for help even though none was withcoming…………………brilliant!! At least I thought so, and my boss was pleased too…… everyone happy………..
At the end of the day, I got briefed for another draft letter tomorrow, this time a legal one!!! I wonder if I can get tough now…………our client is holding their ground, and suing back the plaintiff!! Also I learned about how the stock exchange works, and the playing of the ‘game’. It seems that there are often situations where syndicates, either on their behalf or of the company being targeted, set off an operation. These operators then employ the use of many remiciers or brokers to drive up the price of shares of a counter (targeted company). The remiciers could use their client accounts or persuade their clients to buy those shares, thus driving up the prices, since it all hang on market forces of demand and supply. Then when the price is high enough, the operator sells off their shares, making a huge wallop of a profit while the stocks crash and incur heavy losses for the other clients!!!
I also found out that there is an easy way to make some quick cash, by the manipulation of buying and selling shares within three days. When an order goes through, the bill for the shares only come after three-five days, and at this time the buyer is allowed to sell if seen fit when the share price rises, thus making a profit without paying. It’s called contra profit………..of course on the other hand, there could be a contra loss if the price goes down instead……………………….wow, this is the first time I found the stock exchange interesting….maybe it’s because I was forced to listen to the explanation from my boss………… ^.^
Oh yeah…..yesterday I wrote a new poem called Red….it was for a challenge competition about blind rage………it’s up at Fictionpress…..and also on The Poet’s Sanctuary……………………*hops off*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:12 PM
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I sometimes think I’m not suited to a life dedicated to the black and white. The wardrobe is…black and white………the mode of any communication is black and white…………the law is black and white………….certainly the likes of Ally McBeal and Elle from Legally Blonde is not found here. I think I shall go insane…….
That’s it…the life to which I am doomed to. I woke up at 7am this morning and could hardly get my eyes to open, and rushed out through the door only to find myself reaching the High Court half an hour early………again. Why can’t I just be late for once??!! Then I couldn’t find the High Court…………..*makes face*. You would think something labelled as the High Court would have a huge sign declaring its importance. Anyway, the guard was nice…….I found one of the sessions court easily enough.
I’ve waited for an hour for the judge to show up……………………………waiting, I’ve found, is a chore...and it’s also beginning to get hard to breathe. I have on a coat and suit (black and white ensemble of course). The stillness is suffocating…and heavy……*breathe*………
Occasionally I could hear what is being said at the floor, and at other times, it’s like listening to a mouse – unintelligible squeaks.
The judge was doing some bizarre hand movements just now…….. no one else seems to find it strange……and I don’t really have the guts to tap the lawyer next to me for clarification…….anyway, he’s busy reading, and I’m beginning to think I’m an idiot.
Maybe at law school they teach you how to think alike, act alike…..even smell alike!! Everyone seems the same and I swear that the same scent has been hanging around several lawyers……………furthermore, at one instant, those waiting on the floor all rose and started to put on their robes………..was there some hidden signal??!!
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 9:29 PM
Monday, August 09, 2004
This is how i choose to start my new work!! *sinks into comfy pillows for support*....woe is young and forced into the working world......slave labour...........woooeeeeeeeeee..................nah, it isn't so bad.
I'm currently interning at a law firm under a corporate litigator.....*sigh*....and i'm doing all the dredge stuff, admin......and looking completely clueless at what i'm doing.....
nevermind..maybe i'm not cut out for this work stuff......or maybe i'm not cut out for law....hmmm.......but it's just the first day, so tomorrow can't be that bad, right?
I'll check in then.....
ja ne
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 9:43 PM