Wednesday, August 18, 2004
*Ouch*……today has been an aching day.
I waited until my body was bitten fully by the mosquitoes because my boss was late. He claimed that the traffic was bad…more likely he woke up late…..anyway, we had a hearing today in a judge’s chambers to get a trial for my boss’ clients. Not bad, at least slightly more interesting than normal because I finally get to see some real law action with plaintiff and defense putting forward evidence and authorities to support their case.
One point that my boss kept raising was that one of his defendants was a person considered to be at the material time, child to be under undue influence from a parent, and thus could not be held accountable for signing a guarantee contact for a loan. He stipulated that because at the material time, the person was studying and thus would be considered dependant financially upon the father and thus the father could be having an undue influence in the parent and child relationship.
However, to my knowledge, a child defined in law is one under minority age and thus would be considered in all effect dependant on the parent and thus would be accountable for undue influence. Yet the defendant was above minority age, was in university, and thus before the law would be considered an adult, and thus in full mind and authority for her own behaviour and actions. I honestly consider boss’ argument to be rather weak…….because to some respect the defendant could no longer claim to be under undue influence, but rather to be kept ignorant or misled to signing the guarantee contract. *sigh*…….. I don’t think I can tell him that could I?
Anyway…… you can see, I finally fixed my bloggy with the excellent advice from Aiko chan…….arigato hontorni………………………..
Oh yeah, I forgot to say….the judge hearing the case looked rather like a lizard……….but she was nice, very patient, because the hearing went on for two hours……..where they get so much energy and breathe to talk for so long, I don’t know….
But anyway…..then we were suppose to be at a raid to seize assets from a tenant who hasn’t paid rent, and we were late!! And the bailiff himself was late!! For about two hours………………when we arrive, they have done everything, so no action for us to see……………and then boss abandoned me, and left us (me and a lawyer working at the firm) to take the commuter train!! My first time too………….. *feels proud*
We ended up arriving back at the firm like at 3.30 pm……..haha, took a walk around at the train station, had lunch before going back…………..*shrugs* might as well enjoy abit seeing how tired we were from waiting so long……………
Results are coming out tomorrow!!! *panic* the DAY has come, and I’m worried………………what will I do if it’s all Bs? Or Cs???
*slumps off worriedly*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:08 PM
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