Monday, February 06, 2006

Ok...this borders on overboard. BUT I WANT TO WIN THAT CONTEST.
Plus.....I'm getting better ^^
Yesterday I was thinking this really intelligent thing to say. It was half a rant and half omg I can't believe I have gone stupid over the holidays, all of which resulted from this one conversation with Ninja.
He was doing this really rare 15 lines long sentences through msn, and with full attention too, like automatic responses, until every other time when he respond with one word after half an hour...anyway
So he was umm.....talking about social structure and social interaction. Simply put, th e argument that if you're not so shy, it'll make your social life a heck lot better. Then he went onto observations that whatever social group you're in, you're not really that different, that each group would still have people who are shy and those who are not, the only difference being one group is popular and the other isn't. Then he said people tend to get a sense of moral superiority over the other group, like someone unpopular would think he/she is better than a popular kid, often as a tool to make themselves feel better. Also given the popular one think they are better than the unpopular ones....hmmmm
Then he asked for a response and the only thing I could remember was I thought popularity was in the mind. Of course it is, there's no definate on what's cool or not, but also focuses on what the general public think is popular. But I'm thinking that's not really it either. I mean the popular kids may think they are cool, but this is also perpeuated by the fact that unpopular kids think they're cool. So it's a cycle of one making the other believe. It's like if a popular kid suddenly invites you in, doesn't make you cool, just makes others think you're cool.
That's just silly.
Really you should just like the things you like, be friends with the people you like and live. Rather this incessant game of I think you are, I think you're not, etc.
It just takes a different group of people to find the things you like as cool, so be fluid and find other friends. Like I think Go is cool, but it's the type of game many people would find geeky. But go players would find it cool right?
But that wasn't what I was thinking of yesterday. Yesterday was.....uh, something to do with politics, but of course now I've forgotten....
WAIT.....right right. Something about the UN just waiting idly by even when they know and is being faced with the American government refusing UN official contact with prisoners held at Guantanamo. Pffff...useless.
Ok so that was what I was thinking with my moment of holiday brilliance.
I'm back to lazing and being stupid.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 4:07 AM
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