Sunday, January 22, 2006
I was watching Honey tonight- that dance movie with Jessica Alba which everyone said had bland plot but hot girl.
Grandma is staying overnight at the hospital because she contracted Dengue so pretty much alone at home. Mother brought back a chicken burger and apple pie.
I've been pretty much grouchy all week. Or month depending who you are. Everything was so irritating. The visa was sucking, I had to go for a medical check up, interview with St Mary's, and the whole prospect about going away for five years. FIVE YEARS. Can't decide between a fujitsu or a mac, can't decide what to bring, there's predeparture briefing tomorrow and I just got the case of the zits. Then grandma started getting sick.....=(
Everything seems to want to crash now.
And those moves rocked. Hip hop is a very smooth style, more emotional body language than jazz. It's cool. Never really into the hiphop music scene, too much bling, too much sex. Oh yeah....Ninja nicely informed me that I was too naive, too innocent and too inexperienced with sexuality......
So there's the moves right? Whether one girl bringing it up or a team of dancers all in one smooth coordinated choreograph dance. Missed those days, used to dance, used to forget everything and it's just you on the stage. And everything is beautiful. It's sexy and sensual, everything in perfect alignment.
Then it's like, there are alot of beautiful things in life. It's not all bad, not all grey, not all people shifting by themselves not caring about others. There is beauty in the world, we just....forget.
The smile of a baby, and his father leaning over him. ^^ there you are Kuudeekun.
The touch of a lover's hands, and the look in their eyes.
The voice of a friend, their hug, their comfort.
The smell of a clean rain.
Telling jokes.
Listening to music.
Playing a game.
The taste of your grandma's cooking...although that is potentially dangerous.
Celebrating your graduation.
Saying I love you.
A well worn out book.
A caress.
Drinking hot chocolate.....
Tears...because you realise there are so many beautiful things in life.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 1:48 AM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Received offer for a room at St Mary's. YES.
Ok, one stress line gone.
Then I got to get a medical exam for visa....-.-
Oi wei....
For a darn visa.....anyway so we showed up, along with like five other families...who seem to have ignored the instructions to fill in their application Part A at home, so there was a massive jam in the front as the nurse filled in for them. Then into Xray room, strip, took photo, back out again. Into medical examination room, strip, poked, out again. Did I mention urine sample....?
Yeah -.-
I think a blood test would have been slightly more tolerable even if I was squeamish....ok, extremely squeamish but still...maaaaa
and they said my eyesight was rotten. =) but I already knew that.
Sigh, am now plunging through Bachelor of Arts subjects. I'm so confused. No idea why, but I have no idea how to factor in points and studies and how many subjects and what subjects.
Did I mention that the nurse faked some answers on the other applications? Like one man who said he drank about 20 glasses of alcohol and she put 2 glasses.
Headache. And Teamspeak is cool. It's like skype over a radio server and the connection is way better especially on my dialup. DJ Springy and Ninja in da house~
Now I got predeparture briefing on Sunday, need to get computer too. ya..Ok
And for students trying to get their visas, all you need is your COE, a credit card, your passport and go through the online application.
No worries.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 12:16 AM
Monday, January 16, 2006
Today had an interview with the Principal of St. Mary's as part of my application process. oww......just to get a room ><
I was so nervous, and actually missed the original appointment set for Friday because I didn't factor in Daylight Savings Time and called an hour late ......
Nice on my first impression for them to think I'm not punctual....
Anyway, so today, *heavy music plays*
It went relatively well I think. I didn't stutter, didn't sound like a complete spaz, was clear and answered fast.........I hope I did well.....*sweatdrops*
She asked what I did in school, what I like to read, any charity work? Music? Grades, religion........hmmm, sorta ok stuff.
*sighs breathe of relief*
So that's over with, then I gotto do visa, get health check up, research what computer I want....etc etc etc.
On the good hand, V CHAN came back. Woohoo. Well.....he's still in the army but he'll be back regularly on the net and on KGS, so that's great. Whee.....
Well...will keep you updated!
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:46 PM
Friday, January 06, 2006
Don't you just love to sleep?
When I was younger I hated it, an endless time of when you are unable to control anything, a total waste of time, a blackness that overcomes your mind...
then as I got older, sleep became the rare little bit of respite I get from school and exams. Then bliss...
No longer seen as a waste, sleep became dream wonderland, where everything is true and nothing is hurting and I can curl up all snuggled and warm beneath cool sheets and blankets and slumber onwards.
It is that bried period when you're just waking, and yet sleeping, and you can feel sleepy and all snuggled, as if someone is holding you close..........*sigh happily*
Now all my family can do is drag me away from my bed *scowls*
So I like to sleep in, it isn't so bad. From all the teenage ills of these days you would think they would be thankful I don't smoke, I don't take drugs, I don't go around sleeping with people, I study when I need to, I get good grades and I have decent friends, with no piercings anywhere....
But no...they complain that I sleep too much -.-
Sigh.....I think I'll go to bed...*snuggles bed and pillow*
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:42 PM
Happy New Year 2006!!
Fireworks are banging outside near the twin towers and I'm alone in my room on KGS and ^___^
Yes while many people are outside with friends and family, drinking, laughing, having fun, watching the black skies come alight.....don't you dare have the words pathetic in your head... I wished for good health for the family, and happiness for my friends, I realised how lucky I was. Even though I tend to worry too much, I'm lucky to be able to stress over university, to worry about friends living across the world, about my parents and grandmother, and of course cousins again halfway across the world. And truly it was a heartfelt moment because I realised there would always be someone to comfort me wherever I am. Oh....feel tears coming ><.
Just two days ago some girl on Gaia forums attacked me on some misconstrued incident. An unvalidated attack and eventhough it was petty and silly, tears started coming and in the next two seconds I was bawling infront of the computer because yeah, I'm sensitive. And emotional. Very very emotional. I don't like seeing people so insecure with themselves that they lash out against others without reason and need to feel good about themselves by having others agree with them. And when I'm the one being harped on, yeah I get hurt. But surprisingly the anger is slow to kick in. If I see friends get hurt, I'm quick to take a stand, but for myself, meh...easier to back away. Spent the night arguing with myself eventhough I'm right, but arguing nonetheless, to keep the anger away. It was made much easier because I had friends, simple caring people who embraced me and wanted to protect me. Zombiekun, Shun chan, Springkun, Tigerkun, Hanging san, Spectral san and Chemi san. Thankyou. They listened, they hugged, and they stood by me, from Zomb's gentleness, to Shun's tenacity at going through hundreds of posts, Spring's always being there, Tito totally being a tiger when he heard and making me laugh, Hanging's calmness, Spectral's honesty, Chemi's sweetness......truly blown away by their sincerity, their love and their care. There has never been a better new year....than knowing there's someone beside you even if it's their thoughts, it's a beautiful gesture.
On other notes....darn university hasn't responded...yet again!
Celi's moved out and is now with Kirisu ...and now she seems really happy so I'm glad.
Kuudee is back, did I say? Yup, and is playing better than ever....
Day san, well, is Daniel san ^^
I have to look for a new computer, and the iMac G5 looks real good. Not really sure about getting a Mac though because the internal system is all different and many of the programs I have will need to be reinstalled. Gotto ask Derekkun again.
Leopardkun has been playing with his band and seems really busy......=(
Did I mention I went to watch Narnia with Alex? Honestly my memory's been shot this holiday ><. Good movie, though Mr Lumnus acts really weird and would be prime suspect if seen around children.
XY makes me laugh, a sure way to keep me young.
Drimmy Drimgere finally got his picture---->

Finally saw an episode of the O.C. It was a teen drama that drove the entire A Levels people insane to the point they are exhanging currency with episodes of it. I can see the attraction, the guy is hot ......the girl is slightly too thin, but anyways, a bunch of teens going wild, throw in the bad boy, 'good girl' two sides of the track plotline, and voila, soapfest.
Woohoo, and Charmed finally got a new season. They got really washy wishy at the last season, now the sisters are living new lives, pretending to be dead.
And so....oh yes, Spring and Ninja got this joke going which was really weird cos I walked into the game and they started saying they loved each other, oh boy, but anyways Spring prefers me ...muahahahahahaa.......^_________^
Right right. No no, oh yes, lost two games yesterday but the first against Tito was interesting....hmmm. The second against Ninja I really wasn't paying attention. Silly me, with lots of mistakes and then lost on time. It was bad oh yeah...
And so. I love you all, and have a great new year of the dog....oh so cute!
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 1:23 AM