Tuesday, February 05, 2008
4th February marked the 23rd birthday of my best friend. In his words, it's all downhill from here...or from two years ago anyway.
We started out the day with a lovely healthy and much too filling japanese sushi lunch, accompanied by being lost as we discovered the initial plan of playing pool was stunted due to the club being closed and we had to search for a cab.
Moving over to midvalley, the birthday boy's birthday luck ran its due course. He won at foosball. He won at pool. He won at bowling.
Seriously how bad could I be??
First time bowling was fun though. Excluding the fact we had to wear other people's smelly bowling shoes. After a few gutter balls, woohoo I got a strike! And a couple of spares. Derek got several strikes and a few unfortunate miss. His third game was the best of the lot. My second was better than the first and the third was a hit and 'a give up my arm is too tired and the ball switches to the left or right even after going in a straight line right up to 5 cm before the pins' game.
Some random guy kept heckling us to buy drinks. Very random.
Photohunted, bashed on the bishibashii game thingy.
Ate sundaes. Got bloated. Squeezed into a car with four people at the back. We feel fat. Especially beside a girl who's never ever hit 40kg in her entire life.
Overall a good day.
My arms still hurt from carrying heavy bowling balls. And found out I need a skirt suit for interviews....
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For all those conversations we had, the musings the questions the idiotic things we felt we could say. For the regular rants, for the admittance of our own failures, the jokes and the comfort we extend that it's not really that bad. For the company, the times we spend laughing and being bored, the little things we do for each other, staying up all night to make sure whatever project each other had was perfect. For the person who you are, and the person you will be, for all the trust and the friendship.
Happy birthday.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 4:40 PM
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