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Saturday, February 02, 2008

When one discovers that one's social skills have fallen to a whole new low, it makes for funny anecdotes.

Like grinning nervously at an aunty without realising she was expecting a courtesy response to the reason for her smile.

Or making an aunty burst into tears without a moment's notice.

Sometimes we even surprise ourselves. Social retards. Totally.
Anyhow, got Derek's his new glasses. Calvin Klein. Oh so debonair. It looks good, and hey I've got good taste.

Watched Sweeney Todd. Johnny Depp can sing! It was hilarious for a blood filled movie. Unfortunately not one of Depp's better ones. Would perhaps be better as a stage musical rather than a cinematic one.

Nath's doing a wonderful job of taking care of Sammy. Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out my birthday party, my CV, my entries for an art competition, the rest of my work....

Mused by Sukunami Taka around 2:42 AM


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