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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Panic attacks are not fun. The most physical distaste you could possibly imagine of switching the 'I want to die' to a 'I NEED to die, NOW, just make it STOP'.

I am attempting to locate the trigger. Don't know what is it exactly. Stressful situations certainly, but that is always going to exist. I can't avoid every relationship, exam, university, people, work.
Perhaps it's in the mind. Certainly I'm more susceptible to it when I could physically feel my brain weakening, the body feels tired and aching and the brain is saying oh no not again.

This is a mini post just to get stuff out of my head before the next big big post.
At the moment I am completing legal theory readings and although not understanding it very well, seems my exam study plan is well on track.
I think I might fail.
Need to ask case manager about recommendation for alternative exam arrangements. For some bizarre reason I am anticipating panic attacks in a room full of 2000 over students, which ain't great. Perhaps we can formulate some coping skills...........
I suppose he was nice. Seemed a tad nervous, but nice.
At the moment cranky and relishing painkillers. I wonder if the Lovan meds are doing funny things to my body. My eyes are now perpetually red, my hair is falling out.........or is that stress.......hmmmmmm........
Can't sleep very well.
Wish the thinking would stop. It's highly irritating.
And the realisation that all I feel is being miserable.
It's rather empty, I think.

Mused by Sukunami Taka around 11:29 AM


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