Thursday, November 10, 2005
I do suppose. However much I don't like to do something, I end up completing it....accordingly my horoscope informs me I may be a doormat, but so do hate disappointing people. Problem...
Boss hasn't even touched my reference sheets. Need them to apply to St Mary's of Melbourne Uni.'s even tougher to apply there than for Oxford and UCL! There's atleast 10 pages to fill plus essay plus two referees! Now I think I may have made a mistake of not accepting UCL's offer. They even gave an ensuite single room! Now have to dredge through 10 pages just to get a room at St. Mary's and it's not even a sure thing of being accepted into the college....just for a room.............
Anyway, I tried to get Boss as my second referee and he took one look, said he was too lazy, told me to write it out and he'll copy what I wrote. Self evaluation he says.....
Two days later. Reference sheets sits gathering dust on his desk.
Rolls on bed. Dad is back for a few days. So got thursday and friday off to spend time with him. Unfortunately the cinema we always go to had a fire over there and is currently closed. Also our driver is missing. Again. This is the 16th driver? I think they got radar alert to run away after a certain time. Either that or they're scared of grandma.
Grandma is scaring me too. She has made apparent that she wants to move to Australia with me. To uni. In the same apartment. To cook.
*o.0 <---- This is me with a brain tumour.
Yes it is possible.
To get cancer from stress.
I'm cracking myself up...
Completed a bunch of drawings. All black and white inked. Thus starts the KGS Files: Battlemania, showcasing drawings of the clanners. Mostly this is sort of a christmas thing.

Celila, very hot. Her comments: If only I have that figure...

Ruutana and Prodigious, cute chibi form. Loved the way Pro turned out.
Ruu's comment: I look like I'm 12, and I don't have black hair.
Pro's comment: Ah, I just realised you're Suku.
Next to be drawn are Launchie and Kibbles.

Did this for an art contest.
Derek passed a link to an interesting blog today. It's by a female lawyer in New York, and it's really funny. Here's the link- Opinionistas
Was talking to Dayharri today, halfway to persuading him to join the clan until he goes and talked to our leader....who else.....Kakashisan. He was very put off by the fact that our clan leader is not involved in clan games. Says it's very contradictory leadership, and stated 'it suits sabaki doesn't it?' this rate.........I hope the reason why the others haven't signed up is not because they went to talk to our leader.........*sighs*
EEK....the pet from Kura Isle is so cute, it's animated and got wings which flutters. Also getting a animated Hakuryu from Canthe soon, maybe it'll be blog mascot ^^.
Christmas is coming. Lots of presents to decide....*plots secretly*
Am going to drag up some issue to write about in next post. I had two, then forgot...........ehehe....*sweatdrops*
Off I got then.
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 1:40 PM
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