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Friday, October 28, 2005

Woohoo....holiday next week altho boss is making me come in on monday cause there's supposed to be two working days among the peppering of holidays and I only got one day off so he says he can give me work =(.....everyone else is off.....miao
But pay day today, and full month! so $750 is mine......*drools*
So broke since needed major payment for the internet bill. Broadband would cost cheaper and yield more usage but nooo......they refuse to get broadband but want dial up...

Clan is receiving more members, most around the 13 kyu level. Tried recruiting sdks and this dan player but they all aren't interested .....*sniffles*... a few more also agreed but haven't signed up. Our gracious leader atleast is doing his part allowing new members into the clan room.......................sigh.....
he says there is a revival plan for the Sabaki club.....hmmm..........besides the clan stuff he don't even talk to me anymore, and I have nothing else to say.....makes it abit hard hmm...........don't think I'll be included then, whatever he says about recruiting.......

Oof........man, getting way excitable on kgs, and running everywhere and promoting the clan. Mainly because.....well..................used to be spent talking to him, and now the time has been freed like butterflies from the cacoon only to die when the sun passes into night. .........

Going to focus on new drawing stuff for a few days.
Here is a cat with a funky hat...
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Going to do more next time ^^.
Also I won against Slade with 6 handi........whoo......few more wins and losses for the clan meanwhile, also I won a Soquili on Gaia..............and got Mahadeva to join SGC and found out Espy is actually kindda nice =)

Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:34 PM


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