Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Who the heck steals clothes?? What would you do with stolen clothes??? Who the heck would steal MY clothes??? *takes a deep breathe*……… is so unfair……on top of everything……..of having homework pile up and worrying about my Oxford prospects, and the MUN conference this Friday, and the MUN thing in Hague next year, and prom…….. someone just had….just HAD to steal MY clothes!!! *wail*……………………who steals CLOTHES??? And I was so stupid, so idiotic not to have noticed!!! I should have noticed after lunch, but noooooooo……… I was too busy………actually I only had eyes for my Jas kun…….but still….. I should have atleast noticed that my clothes were gone!! And I needed them for kickboxing!!! Who steal clothes???!!! I can understand if my handphone was stolen….or my wallet……or even books………but clothes?? Who else can fit into my clothes?? Ok, maybe a few people……but who knows I had clothes and actually takes them from my bag??!! Weird kleptomaniac people……….but it was in the sixth form common room…….during lunch……I know most people in the sixth room, who would be so inconsiderate and mean to take something from me? Ok, maybe I don’t know everyone in year 12, but which idiotic yr 12 would steal from a yr 13?...................
I cried my eyes out with the accompanying sniffles and red eyes and slight hiccupping and moaning for a full 15 mins after I found out about the ‘disappearance’ of my clothes………………. Why me? I didn’t do anything to anyone………I am essentially nice………why would anyone want to see me cry? I want my Jas kun………I also want my very expensive $200 pair of pants…..and tshirt………and then my Jas kun had to leave….leaving his koibito to continue crying…………that’s very inconsiderate you know *sniffle*……………..but my friends were so nice…….*dissolve into sopping mess*……they went around everywhere trying to help me look while I broke down and cry…..and Rashyi chan held my hands till I stopped sobbing……….then came the little talk with our sixth form head to report my loss………..then the full stop of my crying with slight hiccups from me………then they made me laugh……with Su’s whip, and our make shift choir and Rashyi’s funny funny anecdotes…………*hugs all my friends*…………..Pri pri and Annabellie missed their kickboxing lesson to accompany me too………….^.^
They are the best…….^.^
Two hours later........
Jas kun said he love me........*weeeeee*.....he loves me...........heeeeeee.......
Mused by Sukunami Taka around 10:44 PM
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