Yesterday, I discovered, to much horror, there was a massive fat book hidden at the back of the shelves which I haven't yet read! Oh my. And it was a book I thought I didn't get too....Eldest, the sequel to Eragon by Christopher Paolini.
The reason I was so horrified is because for the past month I've been scrambling and making my library a wreck in the search to reread old books. Books, I've found, new ones anyway, gleaming away in big bookstores, are intensely expensive. Somehow I can no longer justify getting that new awesome $60 paperback. Boo. Much boo.
So I've reread all of Diana Wynne Jones, LJ Smith's Dark Visions, Tamora Pierce's Quartets, the Mercedes Lackey books I have, Eddings' Athalus, and even manged to finish Terry Brooks Shannara novels (the original series anyway) and other random bits and pieces that look good.
Then I spied the big fat red cover at the back, and went hmmmm. Truthfully I disliked Paolini's Eragon. In the same vein as the Shannara novels, Eragon was derived from much better, much more original fantasy epics and hodged podged together. Finishing it I was so sorely disappointed, it lacked depth, it was all aspiring to be, and not quite reaching there. I think if it weren't for Paolini's age when he first published the book, it wouldn't have quite reached the status the trilogy have today. Plus the movie disregarded much of the book and is partway decent. So apparently I did get the second book eventhough I distinctly remember pointedly ignoring it the last few times I was in a bookstore. And yes, the pace is slow, the secondary characters especially Roran outshone Eragon, and I knew for sure Murtagh did not die =.=
+The Writer+
Taka is a young law/arts student, often bumbling through life and trying to be a person rather than being defined by social conventions.
Shy, geeky, emotional, proud, and quite bisexual, doesn't smoke, drink sometimes, passionate about most things, Taka spends time dreaming, dancing, drawing and watching movies, often anime.
Is in love with the idea of love, gives hugs at the most random times, and is constantly worrying about people eventhough it does not look like it.
Aspires to either become a beautiful hermit by the river or a world dictator.
+The Blog+
Niflheim represents both light and darkness, of the celebration and distaste of life, of musings and incoherent thought. It is an outlet for personified angst and pessimism with chuckfuls of laughter and smiles.
It is Taka's way of drawing out all the little disturbing thoughts giving rise to nightmares, a way to self reflect, a way to seek solace.
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