Hire me for commissions?...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

So I won (no contest!) the 9x9 blitz at the SPGO Tournament on Wednesday.
Also stood in for Johnathan and won the third game against a 1k.

Applied to three firms and have a few more to go. Going to apply for work visa.
Have to read up on the books I borrowed for the history assignment.

What is it about art thieves? What's the point of submitting art which is not yours, which you didn't draw, didn't create? Sure, you may get a few pageviews or people commenting how lovely, how great an artist you are, but YOU DID NOT DRAW THE PIECE.
Or is it some sort of stupidity connected with an immature person who desperately wants attention?
Loading official game art, manga art, art created by other artists, and then claiming them as your own? Specifying the amount of work you did (NOT) do? Right.
Sooner or later you're going to get caught. So have fun.

And while I appreciate the form of a female body, I find it hard to differentiate between art and porn in a gallery consisting of nothing of naked girls with little artistic merit.

Mused by Sukunami Taka around 7:16 PM


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