New York, Hollywood of mine, London, Paris, Tokyo, There is something going on, Something going on anywhere I go tonight, NOT.........................
Officially my life consists of work. Dredgery................*crying miaos* Going slightly insane. Getting orders left and right and stomping away at the keyboard and trying to finish everything and wondering 'huh'?
All alone for lunch...cos....of that.........thing.........anyway, grandma delivered cheeseburgers and I just wolfed it down at my desk. AND was interrupted twice by this annoying extremely cheerful client who wants the letters done, to want to hear the draft copy, to change this, to do this, etc etc etc........and I was still in the middle of answering another call when the rest of the staff walks back in.
Wheee....issued many cheques today, even signed an invoice myself ^^, cos boss wasn't in....when he came back though, he sent me on multiple despatch stuff. Including buying white gloss paper at the store but they only had the type that costs 17 dollars, while boss only gave 10 dollars so back to the office to get the rest of the cash........
Also I don't like waking up in the mornings.................
+The Writer+
Taka is a young law/arts student, often bumbling through life and trying to be a person rather than being defined by social conventions.
Shy, geeky, emotional, proud, and quite bisexual, doesn't smoke, drink sometimes, passionate about most things, Taka spends time dreaming, dancing, drawing and watching movies, often anime.
Is in love with the idea of love, gives hugs at the most random times, and is constantly worrying about people eventhough it does not look like it.
Aspires to either become a beautiful hermit by the river or a world dictator.
+The Blog+
Niflheim represents both light and darkness, of the celebration and distaste of life, of musings and incoherent thought. It is an outlet for personified angst and pessimism with chuckfuls of laughter and smiles.
It is Taka's way of drawing out all the little disturbing thoughts giving rise to nightmares, a way to self reflect, a way to seek solace.
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